
Heya Jason.

Obama spends his time trying to implement policies designed to help the world's population live healthy, more productive, more enjoyable lives

What am I doing in the mud with you? I should know better than this.

Not my problem at all. I make definitive statements that can generally be proven right or wrong. Unlike you.

Not really. The straw man argument, which you're talking about, involves a caricatured or extreme version of someone's argument, not simply a repeating of someone's argument using synonyms. The point of repeating an argument is to establish it in clear terms - otherwise, you run the risk of "moving the goal posts" -

Making a falsifiable statement is "actively participating in arguing against yourself"? Falsifiability is one of the hallmarks of rational debate (not to mention science).

Other than my assumption that sexism is a bad thing, no.

Ignoring the second bit (whether it was anyone's business), because I'm staying on topic here. So you're saying the "GamerGate" movement was founded by the ex-boyfriend of Zoe Quinn?

"If sexism happens to both, you know what? It's sexist towards both."

"Easy to win your own little arguments when you just make up what everyone's saying, huh?"

You tell me - you seem to be the expert here, particularly with your last paragraph.

So your stance is that when bad things happen to men and women equally in a videogame, that videogame is being sexist to both men and women. Good

No, it isn't, and that's a load of crock.

That's actually a non-answer. I could respond in the same way. "All of your bullshit arguments, especially the whole 'they're all misogynists' nonsense, have been refuted by smarter people than me."

So you're saying "GamerGate" was founded by someone making rape threats?

Again - why? If it's because "people do shitty things under its moniker," does this apply for other groups? If it does, then how many "shitty" things must be done in order for a movement to have to abandon a name? As mentioned earlier, feminism has continued being feminism despite actual attempted murders. Why have

But tainted why - because you say so? Because people have done despicable things under its moniker? Would you say the same thing to feminists, then, because Valerie Solanas was a self-identified radical feminist who attempted to kill Andy Warhol?

Yes, it does. "Bro culture" has become short hand for masculinity, which is regularly demonized on Gawker media.

Again - what has GGfeminist done to make her a "perpetrator"? I've noticed a lot of avoidance of individuals here to allow you to generalize and thus make your argument easier (albeit a strawman). I'm pointing you to a particular and vocal person, and challenging you to apply your invective against her. You can't eat

So, if I were to show you "pro-GG" people who were threatened with death, rape, and doxxing (or actually WERE doxxed), would you concede the point then?

Or, if it has to be Biddle specifically calling for the rape and/or doxxing of GGfeminist specifically, why do you not concede the point, since GGfeminist did not call

I honestly have no idea what you're trying to say here.

Again, it isn't a deliberate misunderstanding. Let's assume your version: he's calling for the social and physical abuse of anyone who disagrees with him on their "position on GG." Do you understand that that's no better? That's exactly the same as assholes on the "pro-GG side" who call for bad things to happen to