
That's *you*. Can you honestly not comprehend that your subjective take on something - particularly something you already have a "side" in (and please, don't try to say you don't - your comments are fairly self-explanatory) - might not be the same as someone else's?

Sorry... I read his twitter posts for the first time (in a Guardian article, actually) and I think that it makes him sound like an asshole. "Ultimately #GamerGate is reaffirming what we've known to be true for decades: nerds should be constantly shamed and degraded into submission" is what he said. You can try to

Wait. What? What the FUCK are you talking about? Religion is a group that you choose to be part of. You're just picking two extremely negative examples (ISIS and Nazi) to color the analogy long before you make it. That's the entire reason Godwinning in an argument is tantamount to losing the argument - mention of

I honestly don't feel that video games are "male spaces" (in fact, quite the opposite, and I find it funny that something that has historically been a geekspace where guys COMPLAINED about bro culture is now viewed as a bastion of bro culture).

He actually pointed out that characters that ask you to speak to old flames are NOT the case he's discussing. So your entire post is invalid here.

Stupid article.

I think you misread what antblanche said? Because he/she is right. Rape is determined by consent. Someone under the age of consent cannot give consent, and hence sex with them is always considered rape, even if they say "yes please" and sign on the dotted line.

No, that's part of the same bullshit mantra that this entire website rails against. To then passively condone it by intimating that this is somehow less than rape is bull. Hell, they aren't even being charged with rape.

Not quite sure why I'm surprised with your error (or even IF I am, frankly), but the age of consent in Pennsylvania is 16. Meaning, if she was 16 and he was 22, then it was not considered rape, either "rape rape" or statutory rape, for that reason. You can go ahead and update your article.

Only one use of the word "rape" in an article about two people raping someone. It's not even in the headline of the article.

Is it just me or is he giving off a very Andy Kaufman-y vibe?

I love how badly this is backfiring. Were you expecting everyone to be up in arms, rather than talk about how they or loved ones also have this actual condition? Or is ableism okay when you think disability runs afoul of your view of feminism?

Is your friend also in Sweden? Or are you just an asshole ableist?

How is this a thing? How is this stupid fucking phrase an actual thing that's actually happening? It's not funny, it's not witty, it's just fucking stupid. Ugh.

I recently began replaying Final Fantasy VII (on my Vita). The game, in a lot of ways, has *not* aged well. The world graphics are giant polygons, the directional-pad-only controls are imprecise, the dialogue clearly has translation issues, and the story is, at times, a convoluted mess.

I love most of the responses to your post. So many pearl clutching asses.

"And why would dads never be asked this question about themselves or their sons?"

Ahahahaha stay classy, Jezebel.

For the life of me, I'm ASTOUNDED how you internet people do this. Making up arguments just to rail against them, I mean. Is it that difficult to actually argue against what I say? Is it because you know you're not very good at debate and discourse, so you make yourself face your own words?

No, you wouldn't. You'd just have to lack strong bias on the subject matter, is all.

But that's explained through the story. This is the problem with "critique" like yours - you take situations out of context and run with it. It's intellectually dishonest.