How *HILARIOUS*. "Personal opinion blah blah blah blah blah" coming from the guy who started the thread hating everyone else for not liking this game.
How *HILARIOUS*. "Personal opinion blah blah blah blah blah" coming from the guy who started the thread hating everyone else for not liking this game.
By many lesbians, too. One of my fairly close friends is a very attractive lesbian, and according to her, the "bull dyke" lesbians give her a lot of shit. And, hilariously, often go into rants about how the way she dresses and looks is cowing to the patriarchy.
It means a black guy who makes white folks a little more uncomfortable than they prefer.
I'm really at the point that whenever an article says X should be done "because women," I turn off immediately.
I have a legitimate question: why do you demand that a picture that is custom-tailored to turn YOU on is the equivalent of these pictures? I mean, I'm not turned on in the least by the bodies/poses they draw for the women; does that render your argument invalid?
Shhhhh, only female characters have this done to them.
No, YOU don't know what censorship means. This is the definition of the term. He is being punished by the State for comments that he made that were accompanied with no action whatsoever.
Do you have any idea where the "fire in a movie theater" (actually, a crowded theater) line came from?
It came from a bullshit Supreme Court decision that found in favor of the government GIVING LIFE SENTENCES FOR ANTI-WAR ACTIVISTS PASSING OUT LEAFLETS AGAINST WORLD WAR I.
Yes. Yes, it is okay. There are clear laws regarding this, and throwing those out because you like to clutch your pearls does not make this a safer country.
James Heller from Prototype 2.
And you do? Fuck off.
This was the single worst fail I've ever seen, I think.
I'm sorry, but I have to jump in here. The "Know Nothings" weren't called that because they generally didn't know anything; that was in response to their distrust of media and questioning, and that when asked about activities of the party, they would say they "know nothing."
Folks like you don't learn your lesson. You make up your mind, once, and everyone either agrees with you, or is wrong. Facts are either in your favor, or irrelevant because "opinions." You don't live up to the very standards you used minutes before to bash others, and you endlessly split hairs and sidestep and ad…
I didn't even realize there were people who called them "jifs."
Not for nothing, but you're the reason why "people debating on the internet" has such a negative connotation.
I'd be so fascinated to find out just what is going on with you that that's what you read.
If that's where you cut off your argument, then I can see the validity in your points and respectfully disagree with some of your conclusions.
Yeah, along those lines. Though more so - by taking away her responsibility for her choice, you're trying to carve a path that lets you both attack/shame the guys calling her sexy AND the outfit itself while leaving her pristine (which is more of a reflection of you - I fully agree she has the right to dress however…