
Nailed it.

I liked GoldenEye too, but I can't decide whether it was because the move was really good or because we played the Nintendo 64 game constantly.

Oh god, that was so wonderful. Me, my dad and my uncle would actually be sitting at the TV when Dr. No started every year.

I love Bond and Bond movies, but it really is the kind of thing you get into when you're nine and you binge watch them with your dad. If you didn't do that, I imagine it'd be harder to see what all the fuss is about.

Oh yeah. I forgot about Diamonds Are Forever. It starts off pretty solidly, but goes off the rails after the scene in the apartment of that dude that Bond is pretending to be. Where he meets the girl and she lifts his fingerprints? After that: all weird funeral homes and mobsters from 30s flicks that are seriously out

Come on. The fact that you can use "die in a tragic blimp accident" for an actual movie raises it to at LEAST a D.

And his actions in that scene had direct, negative consequences. In previous Bonds, it was pretty clear that (at worst) the villain was the only person who was at risk. I thought that chase sequence gave Bond some callousness - he's going to get this guy, and he's not terribly concerned if innocents get hurt while

Lazenby was so, so good as Bond. Shame that didn't work out.

Brosnan was great for the role. It's a shame they gave him such shitty movies, but he elevated them.

But it’s still probably the best Bond movie, and its Bond is still probably the best Bond.

I think it's still worth it. It's like a different game. You get really intimately familiar with the geography of the world and distance means a LOT.

Ugh. I so want to love Crusader Kings 2, but it makes me feel like I'm trying to learn a sport that requires three arms and eyes in the back of your head. No matter how many times I've tried, and how many tutorials I've watched, I just can't get the swing of it. There is so much god damn information to keep track of.

I've been playing Fallout 4 exclusively for the last few weeks now. I've never finished the game, never really made it very far, frankly - I didn't like it much, for all of the reasons people of listed here in the past - but this time I'm doing Survival mode.

RE 7 is great played on a regular old PC. I loved that game. Grab it - it won't disappoint.

I struggled with Torment: Tides Of Numenera’s various faults in my Game In Progress reviews.
But I can’t bring myself to feel anything less than love for a game that’s so clearly in love with writing and storytelling.

See THIS is the problem. Whenever I bring up Morrowind, somebody drafts a compelling post reminding me what is clearly awesome about the game. And then I drop everything to go play it.

I've got a lot of hope for "Skywind," but I wonder if it'll ever come out.

What system are you playing it on? I've wanted to give that game a whirl forever.

I keep trying with Morrowind. It's so frustrating because it's pretty clear to me that, had I just stuck with it when it came out, it would have been one of my favorite games ever. But now - the graphics are too dated, the combat too clunky, the conversation trees too repetitive. Total bummer.

I'm continuing working my way through Fallout 4 in Survival mode.