
Give it a shot! I've got nothing against pro wrestling, but I've never understood what people like about it. I've only got two things I like:

It's late in the day to be posting a question to this forum, but what the hell.


This is awesome post. I'm inspired.

I know nothing about ICP, but I've ALWAYS wanted to go to that festival. Way too old now, but I wish I'd made time for it. It sounds too fucked up to be missed.

Actually I have another one. It's so obvious that I think everyone just skipped it (I don't know, I haven't read the whole thread yet): Star Trek: The Next Generation.

That show is so weird: it should have been absolutely awful, and it's so, so good.

I'm with Sam on King's Dark Tower series. I love these books, have read the whole series many times, and am attached enough to them that I'll never go see the movies because I don't want my vision of them compromised.

I wanted to give it a shot, but the lousy reviews kept me away. What happened in the patch that was such an improvement?

Is West of Loathing just going to be for PC? It seems like it would be perfect on mobile.

Still working my way through Fallout 4 on Survival mode. I haven't had a lot of time to play this week, but what I've had has been DEEPLY frustrating.

I have spent so many hours listening to Radiohead and trying to understand what everyone thinks is so great about them. I never figured it out, and I wish I had that time back. Radiohead albums, like Pet Sounds, is music that people I respect constantly tell me is some of the best music ever recorded. I apparently

Damn - that's a heavy, heavy list. I STILL play Fallout and FF Tactics pretty regularly (OK, I've only played FFT: War of the Lions, and only on my mobile, but it's still awesome), and Goldeneye was great when it came out.

"The One Where No One's Ready" is one of the great bottle episodes of all time.

I feel like Ross is some kind of tribute to the excellence of David Schwimmer. I really mean that. Ross was just the worst - the hang-dog, new-agey type, who's always shooting a sad look at the camera over mournful strings - it should have been awful and ruined the show. Everybody hates that guy in real life.

Thank you. I shuddered at that line. My wife teaches voice in elementary school, and goes on these trips all the time. She's fine with them, but my God… you couldn't pay me enough. I mean that literally. "Here's a million dollars, just sit on a bus with no shocks for 24 hours with a bunch of screaming kids". Nope,

I'm continuing my Survival Mode run through Fallout 4. Not much to report, except it's still awesome, and still very slow going. One new thing I noticed: Perk selection is much more meaningful when you can't just reload. I just added another rank to my name Sniper perk, and all of a sudden I'm a killing machine.

It's really amazing. One of those movies that sticks with you forever. And it has a gorgeous rendition of Ruby Tuesday on the soundtrack.

I think it is, for the most part: "Do you expect me to talk? I expect you to DIE, Mr. Bond!" Is enough to catapult it up the list.

I gave them a shot when I was a teenager. I liked them - there's a reason they were successful - but be prepared that the Bond in the books doesn't resemble the Bond in the movies. He's much more of a cipher, more morally ambiguous, doesn't have any of the catchphrases or anything. If I'm remembering correctly, he's