You're welcome!
You're welcome!
THAT is interesting. I meant to ask here whether the DLC was worth picking up. Did you like it? Should I invest?
Nah, you definitely have more of a peevish "get off my lawn" tone.
A few friends and I have been constantly threatening to start up a D&D game. I even bought all the 5e books, and have lots of ideas for a new campaign. But time, man. It's hard to find the time.
Are they going to meld the sites together? Like only one forum for Gameological/Kotaku? That would blow.
Yeah they need to pass a law or something.
I revise my statement: The Beach Boys and The Beatles are equally good.
It IS true that all my friends suck. :)
Got to agree. If it's rolled into Kotaku, I can't imagine I'd last long. I really like it here - the politics are minimal or non-existent, everyone is polite. That's not the case anywhere else, really.
What is Kinja? Ugh. I fear change.
I've started KRZ over and over, but I never get very far. Strangely, I see that as kind of a tribute to the game - it's so fucking weird that I almost can't handle it. I love it though. Some day I'll work through it.
This week I'll continue my playthrough of Fallout 4 on Survival mode.
Ah yes. I remember those terrible old days when you weren't allowed to dislike certain bands. You'd just be drummed out of society.
Damn straight. Only failures go off and die. That's why The Beach Boys win this round. They're all still alive, maybe. I don't know.
I have never been a guitar head. Ever. Eric Clapton is boring. The charm of Stevie Ray Vaughn is utterly lost on me. But Jimi? Nobody, before or since, has ever made a guitar sound like that. Like a human voice, if a human voice was capable of expressing a thousand times the emotion that a real human voice can…
I haven't read through the comments yet, and I expect that my view on Pet Sounds is pretty common, but here it is anyway: I can't get into Pet Sounds. I LIKE it, certainly, but no matter how many times I give it a listen I cannot understand the exalted status it holds for so many. It's a got a really good hit-to-miss…
Yup. Plus you missed Inglorious Basterds and Django Unchained. They were awesome.
People don't talk about Lost in Translation any more. I wonder why. That was a great movie, everyone loved it at the time, and was a solid entry in the Bill Murray Revival oeuvre. Where's the love?
I thought it was just fine, too. I'm not actually a huge action movie fan - I tend to get real bored and wander off - and I finished Rise of the Machines. OK, it wasn't Terminator 1, but neither was T2, frankly (I think T2 is really overrated).
That gets an upvote because you actually made me groan out loud at work. Kudos.