
I was always in love with Uma Thurman (I think every guy of my generation was; crushes on Winona Ryder when we were in middle school and high school, crushes on Uma Thurman in high school and college). I doubt that it could possibly hold up now to a younger generation, numbed by ubiquitous hardcore porn, but Thurman's

I hated the FMV thing. Admittedly I didn't play a lot of them, mostly on account of how I avoided them after loading up Myst 2 and having bizarre videos start playing, but I'm not really anxious to revisit that particular era. There's a reason it didn't catch on.

I have to get the DLC for X-Com 2 eventually. My understanding is that it's the same sort of thing you're describing - yeah, it's DLC, but it's HEAVY DLC that really changes the game in a lot of ways (presumably for the better).

Enemy Within is X-Com 1, right? I wonder if I should go back and play it. I loved X-Com 2 so much, I've got to believe I'd like the original.

I know that Morrowind would have been my favorite Elder Scrolls game if I had just stuck it out when it was released. When I try to go back now, though, I can't get over the clunky graphics and combat. And I really want to like it. My last attempt at it I got so damned lost, but found all these amazing areas. Then got

Does anyone else still play Nethack? I love that game. I've poured an insane number of hours into it over the years, hundreds and hundreds of games, maybe a thousand, always a Gnome Wizard, and have yet to win. I made it to the Outer Planes twice, that's it. Great game, but hard as shit.

I finished Outlast this week, which I talked about in a separate post. Great game.

Bragging time:

Nah - it's just that DA:I wasn't very good.

Were you a Bioshock fan? Prey is an unapologetic update of it, down to hacking mini-games and what are essentially plasmids. It works GREAT.

One more comment: I agree with you that the game does a terrible job of placing you in the world and getting the plot moving. Waking up twenty or fifty or two hundred years after you were frozen - or whatever the hell the deal was - and then basically not making that important at all in the way you interact with the

I am so trying it out this week and reporting back next Friday. :)

After that evocative description of The 11th Hour, how could I possibly NOT load it up? It sounds like a batshit insane train wreck. :)

Amnesia is a great game; enjoy. I spent about ten hours loving Prey, then had to put it aside for a week or so because of family fun and work obligations, and now I have no fucking idea what's going on and will have to start over. It's wonderful how complex and dense that game is, but if you don't have the time to be

I actually tried to start a run through of all the Fallout games, in order, last week. The kind of stupid thing I'm always starting and failing. Anyway, Fallout 1 crapped out on me about halfway through, and that was that. I played Outlast instead.

I finished playing Outlast this week, part of the "survival horror" bundle I bought of GOG a few weeks ago.

I loved Ultima 3 and Ultima 4, but I played them both when they came out. I'm constantly trying to get into Ultima 5, because I understand that the series gets even better as you go further along, but Christ are these games old. Inventory management is such a chore that it's just not worth it.

Oh yeah, the surprise Avatar. :) I was terrified when that thing showed up and started blinking around.

I liked Witcher 3, but I never came close to finishing it - same problems I always have with open world games, basically. I just wander away eventually.

I screwed up with Tyranny. I bought it, loaded it up, and started on Ironman mode. I was having a great time - ever since X-Com 2 I love playing games without safety nets - and then wiped. And then realized that that was that - game erased, got to start that fucking thing all over again and read through all those