Grim Fandango is one of my favorite games of all time!!! It's pretty much the only adventure game I've ever finished without the Internet's help. It took me MONTHS. But that's how much I loved that world.
Grim Fandango is one of my favorite games of all time!!! It's pretty much the only adventure game I've ever finished without the Internet's help. It took me MONTHS. But that's how much I loved that world.
For the record: I hated DA:I from moment one. :) I'm not one of those poseurs who jumped on the "actually this popular game sucked" years afterwards.
I went into it with high hopes - I really loved the first Dragon Age, one of my favorite games ever (though admittedly it hasn't aged well). But man did I hate Inquisition.
I'm giggling at my desk. I'm picturing the different NPCs in DA:I grimly and joylessly sucking balls. Because I'm 12.
I can see that, definitely. Nobody is allowed to kill me for this, but I always thought NV was overrated. Yeah, I liked it better than F3, but not by THAT much. But I also thought F3 was pretty good.
Ooooo, ranking them! That's interesting. I'm going with:
I know!!!! That's what I was looking for! I figured diplomacy would make a boatload more sense, that combat would actually be a challenge, all that good shit. And I'm sure it is, but I haven't had the hours necessary to make it work. Maybe I'll try again this weekend.
I thought it was refreshing, weirdly. Yeah, it is absolutely the same thing over and over, but what it does, it does well, and I hadn't played a FPS in ages. It was nice to go old school. No stealth, no conversations, find the power up and blow some shit sky high. I thought the mythology was perfectly over the top,…
Huh. Last time I checked in everyone was loving Persona. Was it because that review said it was too long or something?
This weekend is going to be Prey all the way. I haven't been on the forums the last couple of weeks - is everyone done talking about it?
I love Reigns!!! I gave up awhile ago, but then they updated it and promise that it's a little kinder, so I'm planing on starting a new game.
No, DA:I sucks balls. Your boredom was the correct response.
Man, now I want to go back and play X-Com 2 again. One of the best gaming experiences I've ever had.
I tried multiplayer Civ last week. It's a lot of fun, but yeah, the games just go on for far too long for there to be any real chance of finishing. I joined two games. I wasn't the first person to drop out, but I still left eventually.
The Rats in the Walls is my favorite too! Nobody talks about that one enough. It's always Cthulhu this and Cthulhu that.
The guy actually fucked with me a little bit, yeah. Kind of a "yeah, buddy, we SELL them, but…" sort of thing. But then he felt bad for doing that. It's San Francisco. They're pretty nice people out there.
Those games were SO GOOD. What happened to that guy?
Fucking awesome. I love this.
I actually tried to get one last week. I was out in San Francisco for a conference (I live in NY), and was staring down a six hour flight to get back home. Plus I knew I'd be stuck in the airport for hours, since the weather in NY was so terrible. Figured I'd be spontaneous, pick up a Switch and Breath of the Wild,…
First thing I did! They were, but the damage was done.