There probably was, but I am far too lazy and short-sighted to figure that shit out. Behold: the perfect consumer.
There probably was, but I am far too lazy and short-sighted to figure that shit out. Behold: the perfect consumer.
Heh! Love it.
That Star Wars MMORPG was the worst offender. Every town was surrounded by ankle high shrubs or stone walls that reached your shins, but you had to come and go through the main gate. No getting through shrubbery, nosiree.
I really liked my PS4, until it burned out six months after I got it. That said, Bloodborne, alone, is worth buying the whole system. I played through that game three times. Probably why the system burned out.
I'm honestly not sure. I think the EE made inventory management a little better. I know it fixed a ton of bugs, but I suspect the GOG version did that too. My gut, though, is that you probably don't need the EE.
Yup! And a corollary: games with fifteen minutes of introduction before I get to play. That needs to stop. All games should start like Doom 3. You boot it up and your shooting. Figure it out as you go along.
Oh, I've got a bunch. Right now I'm going with "annoying inventory management in RPGs".
I finished my playthrough of Planescape: Torment, the Enhanced Edition. The game remains as great as it ever was, though I'm not sure what's actually been enhanced (besides a nifty but ultimately unnecessary zoom feature).
Yup! My introduction to that cast was through the "best of" VHS tapes you could rent back in the 80s and 90s. When you pick, say, 10 skits out of an entire year (or longer) worth of them, of course they come off as solid.
I've discovered plenty of people who share my dislike for SNL. For the life of me, though, I don't understand what the rest of you are seeing that I'm missing.
I really liked The Carol Burnett Show. Then again, I was four when it went off the air, and last saw a rerun when I was about seven. So yeah. I don't really have much to contribute here. The skit where they all sing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" was pretty good, I guess.
Yeah - I'm suspicious that this really was all that big a deal. I was in highschool in the early 90s. I feel like if there was a sexy vampire game out that made headlines I would remember it. I definitely remember Mortal Kombat, and I didn't play that either.
A little personal story.
You did it BACKWARDS, you utter fool. Should be like this:
Sounds about right. I really should have qualified my post - every class EXCEPT grenadiers typically benefits from staying on one side of the tree. :)
Exactly. Hell, just talking about it makes me want to go back and try again.
As I mentioned below, I'm currently playing the Enhanced Edition of Planescape: Torment. As far as I can tell, they enhanced it perfectly by doing nothing whatsoever to it. It remains a great game; no idea what they added besides a zoom feature that's pretty cool.
Yep. The best bet is to make as much of a beeline to that tech as you can - obviously that's still going to take awhile - and then let them sit in the chamber until they're good and beefed up.
You're 35 and in grad school? Then what the hell are you doing on his lawn, Horse?
So jealous you're playing X-Com 2. :)