Well, they're not the MOST interesting areas of the game, that's true. But the SotFS has made them much, much better. Really challenging. Wait until you see that Ogre….
Well, they're not the MOST interesting areas of the game, that's true. But the SotFS has made them much, much better. Really challenging. Wait until you see that Ogre….
See, this whole conversation is making me extremely wary of Persona 5, even though I haven't seen a game get this much excitement on these boards since Bloodborne. Maybe Witcher 3. Oh, and something called Breath of the Wild.
I always thought DS2 was terrific - never understood why it got so much crap. And since they redid the whole game it got even better. If you played it before the massive overhaul, consider giving it another shot. It's totally different now.
It really is. I'm impatient to get home and put in a solid night of gaming on it. Looking forward to getting out of the Hive.
I came pretty close to doing all those playthroughs, that's how much I loved DA:O when it came out. But I put it away for a few years, and when I came back to it… I don't know. I couldn't read through the Codex again, or the walls of text from NPCs, and if you're not going to read the Codex, what's the point?
I had it on my list to play through the Mass Effect trilogy and then Andromeda. I've never played the third game either, even though I own it, so it seemed like a good opportunity to catch up.
This weekend I'll continue with my runs through Planescape: Torment and Dishonored.
So: is Patton Oswald just going to be in everything from now on? I'm not complaining; I think his standup is great, and he seems like a nice enough geek, but he's way more ubiquitous than seems reasonable.
The early retaliation missions can be tough, but if you do it right, you can almost be sure to succeed. First, don't worry about the civilians. I wouldn't even bother setting any of them free unless that move leaves you behind cover, and in an optimal spot for the battle. The scenario is won or lost by killing the…
Heh. Nice! Be careful, though. A lot more cops than there used to be.
I love NYC, though, like I said, I'm really happy I left. And there's LOTS going on.
The AV Club
To play devil's advocate: people get married for different reasons, and even though some of them may be lousy ones from where you (and I) are standing, that doesn't mean they won't result in real happiness.
As someone who has their life together now, a house in suburbia, kids, stable jobs… I miss the shit on the street.
Ending popular, long-running TV shows is ridiculously difficult. In movies, after 90 minutes Voltron battles and defeats Ultron in the third act (or whatever, I don't know anything about the Transformers), while TV shows can just limp along, year after year, scared of making any major changes, but just constantly…
Yeah, the Civ 6 patch was nice, but I'm still waiting for an overhaul. It needs it.
I LOVED this game. My recommendation is to start over and play on Ironman. It is so much fun when you can actually lose the whole game. Which I did 78 times before winning. Not kidding around, either. It was one of my favorite gaming experiences ever.
Cainhurst Castle is the most easily missed area. I never found it my first playthrough, and it's one of the most fun sections of the game.
Nice work! I think that Amelia is the most difficult mandatory boss fight in the game.
It was cool living here in my younger years. But you'd be surprised how sanitized it's become, how entirely occupied by the wealthy. It's not nearly as much fun any more. That could just be me getting older, of course.