
This, exactly. It's a little, I don't know, MEAN, I guess, but this plotline just made my wife and my eyes roll so far back in our heads that we seriously strained our eye muscles.

Thank you! While it's not like I've never discussed sex with an ex with a girlfriend or my wife, it's not a great road to go down until you are VERY committed to each other. And above all else, commitment is measured in time, lots of time. No shortcuts. No "one day and it all clicked". That's nice and all, but it's

Did he definitely go back to Jessa? I couldn't figure out how to read that scene, but then again I missed the importance of the diner scene, so I wasn't aware that Adam and Hannah "broke up" or whatever you want to call it.

Come on - she'll probably end up with Ray. I have enough faith in the show that I think it's at least possible that they might anchor the finale with something less rom-comish, but I wouldn't bet on it. Non-traditional endings are going to be for Hannah, everyone else gets their just desserts - Ray and Shoshanna get

Heh. That would be hilarious, if the coda of the finale was just about how Jessa dies.

Well, it's definitely fluid. A lot of gray area. I don't think anyone would ever have an argument "this isn't a bodgea, it's a convenience store", if that makes sense.

Girls is a terrific piece of writing - a really great show, all credit to her. But as an actress? Eh.

Nobody in ANY state calls jeans "chinos", as far as I know. Certainly not New York. Chinos are a different kind of pants altogether.

Christ, I haven't thought about Napoleon Dynamite in years. My bet is that movie has not aged well.

I can't even believe they translated A Confederacy of Dunces for the stage. I don't see how that could ever work. Forget about finding someone who could plausibly play Ignatius.

The AV Club

I can't decide whether this sounds awesome or would make me feel like an asshole while playing it.

Bloodborne is awesome. :) Telltale games are the unwanted feeling of intense ennui packaged and sold for the low price of $10.

Might be. But I can't back off. What's wrong with me? It's probably a great game if you don't turn it into an exercise in pure frustration.

Breath of the Wild, Breath of the Wild!! This forum hasn't been so single-minded about a game since Bloodborne came out, and I STILL think this has it beat.

Yeah, it may not fit well. And the nature of RPGs usually require more than a single run at each battle, since you don't know what you're facing until you lose. In X-Com 2, you could multiple battles without the game being over. With Tyranny, one and you're out.

I screwed up this week. I started a game of Tyranny, which I was really enjoying. After my amazing experience playing X-Com 2 on Ironman mode, though, I've decided to play every game on Ironman, give my in-game decisions some weight.

Ugh. Now I want to go back and watch the HIMYM finale just so I can hate it all over again. Way to totally make all 48 seasons of a show call "How I Met Your Mother" completely not about how he met their fucking mother. Destroyed it all in a half hour. HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE

I keep reading arguments that Hannah has grown a lot in the last season. I'm not sure I see it. How is she a better, less self-absorbed person? Or is the growth in some other way?

You said the parent thing: "You don't get to decide who your ex, your forever friend, your divorced parents date".