Whatchu Talkin Bout Lar

My stomach was dropping the whole time I read this. I’m so glad she got away from him. I have no doubt that he would have raped her if he had a better chance to do so.

Who would have thought that Quentin Tarantino would be the first person to admit he knew Weinstein was crossing the line and he should have been a better person and not worked with him?

This reminds me of that episode of Kimmy Schmidt where a female character decided to start her own doomsday cult and she put a bunch of young men in a bunker and got super annoyed with them because they couldn’t take care of themselves at all and she still had to do everything for them like she was their mother.

Okay, but if it was a body double, Trump definitely would say something like, “my wife Melania, she’s right here. This is definitely not a body double.”

Funny how all these ‘manifesting a new world’ cults always seem to subjugate and abuse women. It’s like men are all ‘how do I get all the sex I want? I know! I’ll start a religion! Make ‘em think they have to!’

Sooo Donna Karan, tell me, in what context IS it appropriate to slut shame and blame victims of sexual harassment? Did they record you while you were auditioning for a role as a sexist rape-apologist in a movie?

No shit, and I know I’m never buying DK again, and likely they won’t be either. And I’m not for chastising people for everything they say, but in this case I think she deserves whatever backlash she gets from this. She was preeeeeeeeetty clear on her stance at the time of the interview.

Yeah, I have a hard time pinpointing my exact feelings on Ashton Kutcher... He can be pretty annoying for the above stated reasons, but then he looks a lot like my husband so that softens my feelings to him for totally irrational reasons. But then after learning about the work he’s been doing to catch child

Leggings are NOT a good look on men. They don’t get camel toe, they get something else entirely. See Exhibit Aaaaaaahhhh! below. But I can see why you want something tight on your legs, it soaks up sweat. And you won’t stick to any padded vinyl parts on workout machines if you cover arms and legs. So I appreciate it

Whoa. Creepy. Bring back true scary stories contest, Jezebel!

I like imagining Rihanna on the couch eating her night cheese.

Ok, here goes. Writing this out makes me want to barf. 

I adore Tom Hanks.

YES. THIS IS MY FAVORITE POST OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a thirst for attention...risky, yes, but you were right af.

I feel bad for her. She’s not a good actress but she was never allowed time in her youth to develop any other skills or interests or education that she could as a springboard to something else to support herself. She is basically Sarah Lynn and Sarah Lynn was never going to get to be an architect.

Notice she didn’t say the Weinstein never groped her, flashed her or made a pass - he never “harmed” her. She’s probably okay with anything up to being bludgeoned. After all, she yachts.

Hey, Donna:

It’s weird how Donna Karan and Donald Trump both make the same list. It’s the T-Slackss’ List of Dangerous Morons and damn if I didn’t just start a second page.