Really. Kylie Kar, Kylie Konvertible, Kylie Krew, Kylie Konvoy. So many Ks, so little effort.
Also, can you share anecdotes? What did Trump smell like? I’d guess hairspray, Listereneand Drakkar Noir with a bottom note of mothballs and flop-sweat,
He’s sure of their names, he’s NOT sure (or even vaguely sort of aware) of how to use quotation marks.
It’s not a tax bill — I mean, it’s nominally a tax bill, but it’s the first step to pushing the ACA off a cliff and then drag medicaid and medicare along with it... the tax bits are just gravy for the GOP donor class. I’m really quite frightened by this bill. It’s got soooo many bad parts to it, and it’s so…
how to kill someone with a knife
The tension headaches from my clenched jaw are getting serious...
Can I come sleep on your couch when it all falls apart? I’ve been practising adding extra vowels to all my words.
I go through a regular loop of angry-sad-embarrassed. Maybe once a month I’m able to actually laugh at how ridiculously terrible everything is. I cherish those few and far between moments.
It’s “I know you are, but what am I?” The Pee Wee Herman defense.
That asshole shouldn’t be running a fucking lemonade stand.
In addition to that, Pocahontas has nothing to do with the Cherokee, and neither of them have anything to do with the Navajo. Lumping all these unrelated cultures together is in itself disrespectful.
Right? It looks like something right out of 1992!
That’s what I assumed you were saying and I definitely agree. I was surprised to see it taken as though you were saying she shouldn’t be considering it rather than doubting the veracity of the claim.
Don’t be so hard on Bell... I’m older than Janet, and there is a LOT of serious stuff to consider if one is even thinking about pregnancy at that age.. Science can only make so much safe. JJ was VERY lucky.
This is also false.