Whatchu Talkin Bout Lar

All Dave Matthews fans, please congregate to this thread.

Say what you will about him, “Crash Into Me” was the most emotional song when you were 16 in the early 2000's.

John Oliver would be a real blow to me. I need Last Week Tonight in my life. I really want to keep believing that his mild geeky on-air persona is the real thing.

you just don’t understand how alluring a 75 year old flaccid penis is to women.

Ha! One of my friends took a fall at home when she was heavily pregnant and her 4 year old came running out and was like “OH NO mum you dropped my lunch!!” And she was crying a bit probably from fear as much as much as anything and he comforted her “it’s ok you can make me another lunch”

Because evangelical Christian wives have no identity apart from their husbands.

There’s a photo of him miming touching her. His hands don’t touch her and she’s in several layers of kevlar armor. He behaved childishly, and he apologized. Let’s not make false equivalents.

Do you remember Gap Grass? Like why the fuck would a 15 year old want to smelled like a freshly mowed lawn?

I feel like it’s going to smell like Debbie Gibson’s “Electric Youth” perfume, based on these descriptions alone. Not that I owned that perfume or anything.

They’re just pizza that’s harder to eat.

Roy Moore was banned from his local mall for being a creep. Given how terrible you have to be to get banned from a single department store - especially as a rich white dude who isn’t shoplifting - I can’t imagine the levels of creeper needed to get banned from the whole building.

There’re roughly 3 billion men on this planet who are sexier than Blake.

Blake Shelton is not the Sexiest Man Alive that 2017 needs: he’s the Sexiest Man Alive that 2017 deserves. 

Not to even marginally defend her but to be fair she hasn’t done anything outrageous or actively lessened the office she holds like literally every other fucker out of that family (to the best of my knowledge anyhow).

I ran across this Bertrand Russell letter today via Brain Pickings. I think it sums up the only attitude I can take with Trump Supporters anymore:

Proud to say I voted straight Democrat ticket in Virginia today; hope enough others did as well to make Northam our next governor.