
C'mon - this is 2052. He probably needed major reconstructive surgery after all his fights at edge of park.

Nope. Maeve had inside info on both of them. That's how she coerced them to working with her.
1) Felix had stolen a bird and equipment and had succeeded in reactivating the bird. Maeve saw this. The other tech told Felix that he was messing with stolen property.
2) Maeve was also aware that the surgeons were giving

So. Good.

The location of her daughter on the piece of paper was Park 1 …. implying there is more than one park.

Thank you so much for that.

A scene of Sara trying to flirt with the hot new president would be too.

Well Ziggy did paint a Flash on his face ;)

Noose was placed by host but attached to horse. By doing this, the host would not have killed MIB, the horse would unintentionally and indirectly when it bolted. Brilliant way for host to overcome programming.

We don't know that he raped her. That's just an assumption at present.

Yes but this was pointed out after Episode 2.

Somebody said earlier that on the Westworld website, they said putting money in the safe was a guest add-on to get more money.

All the time. They are called 'red herrings'.

I want to upvote you 10 times - for all the ladies here.

He switched teams on Glee ;)

Let's see. FutureWorld. SpacdWorld. UnderseaWorld. KryptonWorld. There's your seasons.

Grandmother here. And YES me too!! Such memories.

Ah, Mr. Occam's Razor working nicely.

Thank you for that. Makes so much more sense now.

Annie Oakley 😉

Ford clearly said that it was their WORDS that triggered the hosts actions.