
Talking down to them like they're your son. It's an old time phrase.

They borrowed it from Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible.

Like Ed Sheehan …!

The plot continues to move ahead so quickly I keep thinking I've missed something.

This episode moved so fast I kept rewinding thinking I had fallen asleep and missed some plot development.

The costumes were previously more outrageous and anachronistic because they were previously in France, the height of fashion. Mary would have access to fine craftspeople and dressmakers but not the French designers.

No more ridiculous than the telephone booth that can make phone calls between realms.
And SHELL-phone. C'mon, it's so corny I LOL'd.

I'd upvote that observation more than once if I could.

If it doesn't, I may stop watching the Emmys. She better not get snubbed the way poor Keith Urban did at CMAs.

Her boys are in a public school, which depends on zoning for attendance. Seems like she wouldn't want to disrupt their schooling if/when she moves away from Perry, so she would need to stay in same zone.

Because he sang her a beautiful love song. Sigh. If Grant Gustin got down on one knee and sang to me, I'd say 'YES' immediately too. I mean, c'mon, look at the guy. ❤️

Don't judge someone just because the sin differently than you.

Well I loved Barry's ballad at the end and so did a bunch of people on other threads. For some reason, it's not mentioned on this thread……

Nah. He lives in NorCal. Probably sold an App for a few million. Pretty common in these parts.

It's PDA Flashtime, folks.

Patty. Miss her.

Ah - thanks. Just seemed strange that she would recuse herself from that trip with Chloe. Especially as the whole reason for the Disney thing was that Ziggy was being excluded.

The Disney show was in San Jose. Jane said she had moved away from San Jose (I think- not read book).

Mary and Greer were reliving childhood in their discussion. I fondly remember playing a similar game growing up in England. The scene was entirely appropriate.

The anachronistic costumes were always intended according to the show runner.