
Maybe join the writers room? :)

Yeah, but at least he got food. That's more than they usually get. Barry even made a meta reference to it.

Completely agree about Mary and Gideon. I literally FF through their bed scenes. They make me shudder and not in a good way!

He has to say something to get people's attention when they are otherwise occupied and he wants to talk. As en educator, I say "heads up". Has the same effect.

Agreed. I think she needs more experience as a character actor. By comparison, young 'Fergus', is a seasoned actor, and is range of experience already shows.

The term has been around the the Middle Ages. But Claire worked on the battlefield and must have had soldiers swearing like that around her all the time.

Yeah, that was so annoying. Anyone know who to complain to at Starz?

Not having read the books, I was about to say just that. As a 'brothel baby', he most definitely would have been available for clients' needs, grim as that may sound. Rape on its own is horrendous, of a child, so much more so, but by a sadist as well. And Jamie personally knew the extent of BJR's sadism.

Nor all that whiskey she's drinking while pregnant!

Because the first time he didn't have his speed back yet, the second time he did.

She even has the lip curl.

Suzette the maid told Murtagh.

Thanks for that. It did seem strange it has not been discussed. He and Claire are sleeping in separate beds, he spends most of his time at a brothel. How can his topic never have come up? That's why I wondered if it was addressed later on. It also seemed a good way for him to deal with his BJR demons whenever he tried

Question for the book readers. Did Jamie cheat on Claire in the brothel? Be sure to mark reply as **SPOILER

Hostage taking is a pretty tried and true negotiation tactic anywhere IRL and the multiverse. Especially family hostages. Because. You know. Family.


Agreed. I don't understand all these people complaining. I love the slow pace taken to set the scene and enjoy the scenery.

Based on the other lady's dress, nipple exposing was 'de rigeur'

Claire's maid mentioned that Claire shouldn't be working as she was with child.

I may have fast forwarded to the 18th century 😳