
And that is a ball outside.

You're 5....aren't you.

Almost like insurance companies make a ton of money by essentially "betting on the house" and then used some of that cash to influence lawmakers.

Sorry, but 20 years in prison for $2 million versus killing someone because you were careless? No. How would you feel if you were in his shoes? Don't give me that "I would never be in his shoes" bullshit. Actually imagine that you're going to jail for 20 years because you tried to fake an accident that harmed

Anonymous is busy doxxing the wrong guy's step-mom.

Really, 2018? Only a decade late. They would be better off coming up with an answer for the small Tesla that should be out by then. Just about everybody who drives a Prius today will be switching to one of those.

This is the best damn review I've ever read.

Don't know how you can say that so conclusively. Ward got out of his car, on a live race track that is dimly lit, and started walking towards Stewart's car. It's pretty obvious he's being negligent as well (if New York were a contributory negligent state, any claim he would have would be barred). Seems to me

In other words, not much of an update today. It's an investigation. These things take time. The wise thing to do is to not speculate or jump to conclusions until all the facts are in.


But he was killed by a NASCAR driver.

In response, God issued the following statement:

"hate to play the race card but..."

Note to Junior: Make sure your PR/social network guy has a reading level above the 3rd grade. It's "lose". Then again, I doubt your fans will notice.

That didn't turn him into a cyborg. Besides, "slept on it" is a fairly common idiom in the English language. It means that he took some time to think it over. English is crazy yo.

Seriously? You prove that its acceptable and safe for pedestrians to run around on an active race track and then we can talk about who is to blame. If you are on foot on a race track while a race is going on, and it was by your choice, then you are collossally stupid.

Tony Stewart is well known to have temper and anger management issues. Science has proven that when you give in to your temper, it overrides a part of your brain that controls logic and consequence, so your judgement and ability to comprehend consequences are severely hampered.

One of these days, secretive government agencies will have to realize that building a giant red arrow right next to their top-secret buildings is NOT a good idea...

Yes. I have a dream bathroom I will build if I ever get the opportunity, and it involves absolutely no nooks and crannies where mold and effluvia can get stuck. Once you have cleaned a bathroom, it is hard to escape the fact that most bathrooms have been designed in such a way as to be hard to clean.

It doesn't matter who you are, this is a dick move. Way to harass some newsman just out doing his job.