
If he needs a sedative, there are still 15 minutes of Italian 9-0-1 left. Should be more than enough to put him out.

Later, she failed her concussion test when she couldn't answer basic questions like, "What's with that outfit?!"

I wouldn't say it's ''According to Jezebel'' or all jezzies but in another conversation the other day I said I didn't believe the allegations about Woody Allen and Dylan Farrow. Some responses to me just seemed batshit. Like along the lines of ''she said it therefore it absolutely happened'' and stuff like he just

Well, there was at first; the first iteration of this article implied that Kaepernick was involved in a potential sexual assault. This article has been heavily edited since it was first posted.

911 calls released by police showed that a man, reportedly (Ricardo) Lockette, called from the apartment saying that the woman wouldn't leave Kaepernick's room.

No it isn't. According to Jezebel, if a man is accused of something, that should be enough to convict him. The hell with a trial, due process of law, or even an investigation. If it just so happens that he didn't do whatever we accuse him of, there is prolly something else that he did in the past that he was never

Jezebel is an online tabloid when they are being criticized for writing fluff pieces that seem anti-feminist. When they're criticized as only being an online tabloid, they like to mention all the 'hard-hitting' stories that supposedly put them above online tabloid. Basically, they want to have it both ways.

The entire article left a bad taste in my mouth, and that's just putting it nicely.

On Sunday night, the utterly meaningless Miss USA pageant aired, and a soon-to-be-forgotten woman from Nevada won the title.

Thank you. Well said. The fact that larger numbers of people are growing fatter does not magically make 'fat' into 'normal'.

You know your history , asshole. Pablo was dead a whole freaking six months before Andre

you're trying too hard.

Yes, damn those "big government regulations" that only affected GM, while the rest of the world was able to design engines with much higher specific outputs and fuel efficiency.

GM 2013 revenue: $152,100,000,000
USDOT recall fine: $ 35,000,000
Fine as a percentage of 2013 revenue: My calculator doesn't do numbers that small.

Vlad the Impaler

Bear in mind that the left is Zlatan's "weaker" foot, in the same sense that Little Boy was the weaker atomic bomb dropped on Japan.

Scandinavian countries have such better justice systems than basically anywhere else in the world. They give prisoners laxer sentences and they experience much less crime. Keep your vengeful attitude to yourself and actually think please!!