
This story of the baby not buckled who suvives the car crash is the most 2016 thing of 2016.

It just goes to show how emotionally fragile he is. The FACT that he will lose the popular vote by more than 2 million votes really gets beneath his skin, because he wants to pretend that the entire country adores him. All he is doing is telegraphing his weakness. I think we should all take every opportunity to

trumps very own shell game. bait&switch

Probably the same “diet-pills” as her boss. She’s looking more and more tweeked-out with every television appearance.

His Twitter meltdown today is so... true to form.

To be fair, he’s callin “all a yall” b-words. I’ve seen this before on wrestling. he thinks this is the ultimate team rivalry. He doesn’t realize this isn’t a TV show. his team won, so he is high on jenkum.

This has been my overriding sense. That the whole thing is just bread and circus for them. Their team won, our team lost, we need to get over it! Ra-Ra-Ra!

If he was brown, or wearing a headscarf, they wouldn’t have moved the plane until he was escorted off and arrested for “threatening statements” and “disrupting the flight”.

I don’t think that’s admirable. The reason this guy does shit like this is because he gets away with it. People need to stand up to people like this or they’ll never stop. They’re adult bullies.

But Muslims get thrown off for speaking a word of Arabic while minding their own business...

It’s basically sports.
Sure your city just spent your money to build a privately run stadium where you need to pay through the nose for tickets, beer and shitty hotdogs, making the team owner rich, but at least you get to cheer for your team and feel like you are a part of them winning, even though you’ve done nothing

They finally released a statement about it:

But this guy is sure he’s going to change everything for the better. OR. he’s just a fascistic, misogynistic asshole.

Thanks for your thoughts. They’re appreciated.

I keep thinking if Dumpsterfire had lost, he and the Republicans would have incited riots and would not have HESITATED to demand a recount. So, heading forward, I choose to treat him the way the Republicans would have treated HRC.

Smart move on her part; if her campaign had pushed for a recount, the Dirty Diaper Brigade would be out in full force.

This won’t spare us from Trump’s presidency. In 2000, everything went insane over a recount in ONE state—this insanity will require at least THREE state recounts.

So this is why when I hear my friends in my craphole of a home town, where the major industry has transitioned from manufacturing to quick marts, speak enthusiastically of Trump’s love for the common man and the end of big government, I laugh and laugh. And cry a little inside.

Who doesn’t love a good mushroom shape?

You know what I’m thankful for?