Larry Meredith

I had to explain what scat is to my boss a couple weeks ago. A customer frequently comes to the shop with a red handkerchief in his back pocket and he had me google what the significance of it is.

My favourite is when characters naturally talk to each other the way therapists or councillors tell you to talk.

Better Call Saul's casting staff seem to really like video game voice actors.

He seems to act a bit like Trevor too. Oh man, Trevor in the zombie apocalypse would be so cool… I really want them to keep him on the show now.

why doesn't this reviewer mention Trevor from GTA? I was delightfully surprised and actually pretty excited for the possibility of Trevor from GTA being a regular on The Walking Dead.

The family of the dude that got bumped could speak anytime they want too. Wondering why they don't raise a stink about it.

Wouldn't the family of the dude that got bumped down the doner list know pretty easily that the president stole their spot?

I look forward to another scene involving Carrie Coon paying for something sketchy by logging into Paypal on a stranger's laptop.

I've learned that people who can see and hear someone that nobody else can see or hear should kill themselves in order to rid their stalker in the spirit world.

I found the lesson to never tip a bellhop in Euros invaluable. They really don't appreciate it.


Twice in this show now they've had people insert their paypal info onto a laptop for payment. Is this normal or is this just how people behave in a world post-departure? Because that seems like a super scammy way to pay for something.

I'm just saying I wanted it to lead somewhere meaningful. It fell flat for me because it seems to have added no significant purpose to the story. That may change in future episodes. I hope it does.

That part of the plot actually lead somewhere important for the characters though. It had significant purpose to the story. Where as the scenes I mention lead to absolutely nothing.

That song really did grind at me a bit. Had to look it up online after. Found out there's a bunch of people on the Youtube music video for it who try their darnedest to explain why it's not an anti-atheist non-sequitur. Sure sounded like it to me. We're all laughing with god because nobody laughs at god while in

That's crazy talk.
Unicorns are obviously the Alpha rapist.

Kinda sucks all the empathy out it when you rape the person you're supposed to be caring for.

Yeah I got that. I mean, it's up to interpretation a bit. It didn't really matter in the end though.

I just want to watch scene that have a reason for existing. Unless Christian Lady, Brian, and Elmer end up being important to the plot later on, I really don't see what good any of those scenes were. He gave a fat guy a paddlin' to pay a guy to show him a sewer drain. Then after one failed attempt going through the

Was there any point at all to having Matt questing for cash to get smuggled back into Jarden? It resulted in nothing. They could have completely cut the scenes with Elmer, the christian lady, and the trek through the sewer tunnel. Just have Matt and Mary escorted out of town and cut directly to the part where Nora