Larry Meredith

No one laughs at god, though.

From my time playing tower defense games, I know you need to block enemies into a certain path unless you're leading them in a completely straight line. Why is it that when the walkers make the turn and change direction, that none of them cross over the grass or through the woods? Instead they all stick perfectly to

"We'll do it live!"

They make decisions based on what makes money. If novelty and superstition make money, it's the right decision.

It bugged me more that he touched her face when he's sick.

It's so meta! Haha, the show is talking about itself. This is like when someone in True Detective said "This angsty cop drama you're rolling."

Won't hug her, but will touch her face with his bare hands. That's like, How To Pass An Infection 101.

Some cabling apparently got left behind! That explains how they got all the files.

I also don't understand anything going on, and I often feel like this show is using symbolism and metaphors so often that most of them fly way over my head.
But I think I'm beginning to just accepting it as something purposely really weird and unapologetic for lacking any cohesion. I like the cinematography and pacing,

That hacking scene has to rank up as one fo the worst TV representations of hacking. Yet again writers just quickly google some lingo and throw it together in the most cringy way possible.

Of all the unexplained things happening in this episode, you pick the thing that does actually have an explanation.

I guess what I meant was do the showrunners expect us to laugh/applaud them for using a joke that was popularized by South Park over a decade ago?

The AIDS/aides joke is almost unbearable when you realize it's stolen from a really old episode of South Park.

He looked comfortable? were you watching the same show I was? He looked awkward as shit. Especially in moments like getting the gift at the beginning of the interview. The only times he ever seemed anywhere close to comfortable were when he was delivering the most corny punchlines.

Noah didn't come off as having a "rascally comedic sensibility." He was mostly just awkward and almost devoid of personality. Did you see his reaction to the guest's gift? It was indicative of his entire performance, not sure what the hell he's doing.

I thought he was pretty good in Reign Over Me.

The R rating may also be due to the tracker probe that forces its way into Neo's belly button while Agents hold him down. I remember being pretty disturbed by that the first time I saw it.

"This angsty cop drama you're rolling" was the best line of the episode because it's a perfect synopsis for the show.

wait what? He's gay? I feel stupid now for not picking up on that at all…

Surprised you didn't mention Gatorade in Idiocracy. Humans were going to die out because crops wouldn't grow since they were watering everything with Gatorade instead of water.