Oh no! George Lucas is involved? The guy who created this thing I love? What a betrayal!
Oh no! George Lucas is involved? The guy who created this thing I love? What a betrayal!
Counterpoint: Rey backflip-lightsabering a TIE Fighter is fucking awesome eye candy.
What I hate most about the Last Jedi / fanboy kerfuffle is that it doesn’t allow anyone to have a nuanced opinion about the movie. It was a great movie and at the same time not a great installment in an ongoing franchise... for me, the two “oh, shit! Are they really going to do that?” moments (Snoke getting cut in…
“No one’s ever really gone.”
That’s a clown offer, bro
Suspended for refusing to pay equipment fine on free speech grounds after drawing Pepe the Frog on his cleats
This shit is so good and I keep being afraid someone’s going to notice and take him away from here.
There’s so much magic in what Ratto can do with words and ideas.
I don’t care whether I agree or disagree with you, Ray. I just want more of your product. You’ve got all the Deadspin snark I’ve come to love with all the austere of [pick your favorite longform baseball writerperson].
The same is true of this country as a whole; we have no idea who the hell we are any more because the future is too scary to contemplate and rather than grapple with it together as though we all have skin in the game, we’re fighting over what the past was.
Here’s my take on baseball: I like watching baseball games.
I’m just hoping that Seattle doesn’t get any ideas. There are plenty of benefits to a cashless shop (at least from the point of view of the business owner.)
Lots of work. Not hard work. It’s a simple numbers game, no different than poker. You can’t win every hand, expect to strike out 9/10. And that 1/10 that you don’t, expect half of them to be incompatible.
I came here specifically to find the person who would say this.
No mention of F. F. Woodycooks and The Crime Stick?
I think this was probably my favorite...
There are quite a few good mashups. “Wugazi” (Wu-Tang Clan + Fugazi) takes the cake:
This still puts the biggest, goofiest smile on my face when it kicks in.
Maybe people are just sick of hyper-sensitive bullshit