Larry Kenobi

This is too raw for today. I own 4 old house cats that puke all the time and generally ruin anything nice (shoes, power cords, rugs, the usual). I shoved one out of a room as I’ve done 100 annoying times before, and hurt his leg. No yelping from the cat and I don’t think anything’s broken, but man it feels like I

What will be interesting is to see the Josh Hamilton effect. His hitting was terrible after attempting to quit. It will be interesting to see how focused these teams are in July/August.

As I’m reading this I guess I’m confused. The management requires iOS, but can the devices restricted be Android or other?

Sold. Couldn't be more perfect timing on this.

Sold. Couldn't be more perfect timing on this.

It didn't just happen. I'm thinking pre-salary cap teams. It's impossible to compare era's because of physical differences, but seeing 49ers vs. Cowboys was always event television and the playoffs just seemed that much more epic.

Parity - "What they don't get is that this is only true because the mechanisms by which leagues enforce parity—the salary caps, draft system, luxury taxes, trades, salary scales, and more—ensure that no one team can get too good."

Have granite countertops? A dough scraper is your best friend for getting hard to find gunk off.

Yeah, no. He's not reformed. He apparently didn't free Lotso and the other toys strapped to the grill of the other garbage truck. They looked like they'd been trapped/tortured for quite a while.

What's odd to me is that they didn't even wait the weekend to do this. It's not like they were on the road and let them fly back early to pack up their offices.

"The Archer Family Facewash-Caress-Whatever the hell that creepy gesture is."

If the wife and I see Face/Off on the guide, we'll do this for hours instead of kissing and freak the hell out of the kids. It's all about the inside jokes.

And you failed to mention: "I could eat a peach for days hours."

In a way, I see Baez's swing as similar to Mark Reynolds: all or nothing. Granted, Reynolds just decided at one point that strikeouts didn't matter to his game. One would hope Baez, being so young, would learn how to pull back and settle for a single once in a while.