Larry Dooby

White Modern-day Sammy Sosa

“WWE Fans Realize Event is a Fake, Choke on Irony.”

Well “I already got your money, sucker” is pretty much the Carny Creed and there ain’t a bigger carny out there than Vince.

I can smell the bullsh!t from here. Letting the shooter go right after he committed the crime was a sign of ish to come.

We were all born again after that dunk.

23 year old Vince Carter would’ve just jumped clean over him.

“So I got to work on my relationship with The Mej and trying to even the keel out. I gotta learn how to deal when I get my Salah tossed.”

Not a fan of Elias? I think he is pretty great (after being terrible in NXT).

1. The ICOPRO banner at the Manhattan Center

As a history teacher in high school, I think this kid’s letter is the visual representation of awesome. At nine he is coherent, asking legitimate questions and pointing out problems. The real problem is the teacher’s dismissive comment that didn’t actually say anything. The teacher is disappointed? Maybe they should

Crippling depression combined with a pathological need to retreat into comfort zone games when I’m feeling down, on top of retail therapy. I’d rather put my thousandth hour into Skyrim, Fallout 3/NV/4, Minecraft, or UT 2K4 than actually try to engage something new. I was doing good back in 2016. I made goal to finish

For me, it’s mostly that another game just calls to me more. Maybe that’s a new game I’ve been looking forward to or maybe it’s an older game I get an itch to replay. Or maybe I’m in the middle of some TV show and just don’t have time for a new game, especially if I know how much of a time commitment it’ll be. Or

Please keep him in general population for whatever is left of his pathetic existence. None of this bullshit isolation and protecting him. Let the men who are best equipped to handle someone like Nassar have full access to him.

Bitch please. Jay Cutler looked at that dead ass dolphin and was like, “I choke harder than that in the preseason, bro.” He then threw a pick six to the already dead dolphin.
Dude’s elite.

I quit dating when I was 23 and life (for me) is much better without all of the heartache. I’m not 100% committed to being alone forever, but I am hovering around 99.5% at age 34. Good on people who find love and it works, but I knew very early that that shit is painful when it doesn’t work and I’d rather do without.

Given the world we live in, just be glad it’s not “Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs Charlie Weis Jr”

People always talk about hockey fights as super-manly, but come on. It’s all sound and fury. They’re wearing helmets and throwing punches with no legs behind them. Of course the refs let them keep fighting. I’ve seen harder blows landed in grade-school slapfights than in that video. Come back to me when a hockey

Gotta admit though, he looked really fucking good. Can we talk about how embarrassing the Americans have been. Shake my fucking head. Sock and Isner are on the top of my shit list. Coco, well Coco just went Bananas

Being in the NBA makes you the best in the world. Playing high level D-1, also the best in the world. 2% of college players play in the NBA.