He’s got the yips. It’s 100% mental. He gets convinced in his own mind that his shot no longer works, so he starts trying new things, tweaking stuff. Before you know it, he’s all sorts of fucked up. I only hope he straightens himself out.
He’s got the yips. It’s 100% mental. He gets convinced in his own mind that his shot no longer works, so he starts trying new things, tweaking stuff. Before you know it, he’s all sorts of fucked up. I only hope he straightens himself out.
Can they truly be a Philadelphia sports team if I’m never able to witness them disappoint me in person somewhere in the greater Philadelphia area?
“People should talk about this more when they talk about Edwin Jackson”
For years Johan has waited for his extensive knowledge of the history and culture of Moravia to be of some practical use. Today was that day.
Vince McMahon doesn’t understand why something works, THE HELL YOU SAY!
“We sincerely apologize to anyone that was offended by the jerseys.”
I’ve seen it far too often. A more successful woman than her husband. He both lives off of her success, yet also resents it and treats her like shit. It’s weird how they take it too. Don’t they know that there are plenty of unsuccessful men out there, like me, who would gladly live off of her wealth and success and…
She was 30 when she met that guy, an accomplished, financially independant woman. At some point, you have to take responsibility for your own life and stop blaming others for your decisions. If getting back to tennis in her 30s is the only way for her to feel alive, then she clearly has issues that are more serious…
Well, that’s a dumb Lifehacker article. I don’t have Instagram, I don’t use stories, I prefer to snap pictures to people individually to show things and not clog up their storage in a text thread, nor keep it permanent. Also the only milestone to snapstreaks is it will do the 100 emoji, the “special emoji” is for top…
Don’t gendertype
To Whom It May Concern:
I was in 6th grade when this happened, maybe? I don’t remember. Either way the entire school fell over itself to make sure each class knew about what a cult was, how to identify it, workshops with parents, blah blah blah.
I genuinely have no sense of what his ceiling is
That’s very impressive. I didn’t suspect this, but seeing it... well, that seems rather obvious, actually... clever!
While I have not enjoyed getting older much at all, I am satisfied at not having to worry about online drama with my friends over things like which posts of theirs I’ve liked or not liked.
Has anyone reached out to the Tequila Cowboy for comment or is Jerry Jones too busy to talk?
This is how I like to imagine this exchange really going down:
I love the “regular speed” part of your rule. I had never thought about that before.