Larry Dooby

Who benefited from the call? The Patriots.

I don’t know what hammer needs to fall on USA Gymnastics and Michigan State, but one needs to.

This is the HR person saying nice things after she explains COBRA.

Sometimes I am truly unprepared for the breadth of evil in our world. A group of people sat down, wrote out, and had a girl sign something so that she wouldn’t speak publicly ABOUT BEING SEXUALLY ABUSED BY A DOCTOR. A DOCTOR THEY HAD ALREADY KNOWN WAS AN ABUSER.

Maybe it’s just because this has been such an absolute shitshow of a year, but something tells me that there’s a bigger reason behind his leaving and that coming out first with admission of substance addiction will lay the groundwork for a future excuse when past behavior gets brought up.

And my taint has definitely been peed on after a night of spirits.

You know what they say about PED testing: if you get caught, lie like the Dickens.

He may have something here.

The same reason they use their real names on Facebook to post “all n****rs should hang” on the comment sections of newspaper articles and then are stunned and horrified when they get fired from their government jobs: because they’re fucking idiots.

I think he should be lauded. Instead of talking sex to people on his payroll for their work, he’s discussing their work to people who get paid for sex.

It is really, really hard for me to believe these interactions had anything to do with sex.

Are we sure the interviewer didn’t ask her about being “knocked out” and was really seeing how she felt about the NFL’s concussion protocol?

I’m not racist. I have white friends. Namaste!

+1 “acrobatic” throw from “deep” in the pocket

Can’t even make it to the winter meetings. Jeets is showing about as much range as GM as he did at shortstop.

It’s a bummer because the Eagles as a whole have been really fun to watch this season.

This is the single best story line if only for this:

You had me at

Token conservative here. I am absolutely appalled how the Republican party has sold it’s soul over the past year. Trump was bad, this is downright terrifying. How can the party claim to be the “Moral Majority” when they are backing a candidate who may be a serial child molester? It’s not like he took a couple free