
No. Anyone using a swastika in the United States in 2019 is a racist. Stop, end of mother fucking story.

Could you edit your post so that it makes sense?

More boring than the first half of The Hateful Eight? How is that even possible?

Well, I’m a young person of German ancestry. Should I name my show The Hitler Youth?

No one could remember why he was famous, again. So he stopped be famous again. He’ll be back in twenty years be famous then not famous.

How will we know? He’s been insane since the late 70s.

Amen, absolutely horrific game and completely unplayable. Certainly there’s a good game buried in this shit show but it is inaccessible to the player.

Alpha Protocol is the worst game I have ever played.

No muppet no muppet, you’re the muppet.

Has Eastwood made a movie that wasn’t propaganda? Maybe Unforgiven or Changeling?

They reported that he was a suspect, which he was. So, how about screw you?

Am I the only person who thinks Eminem sucks? Mom’s Spaghetti and Stan are enjoyable but everything else he’s released is pretty much garbage. Also Mom’s Spaghetti and Stan are also garbage just kind of fun.

Correction, the grossest part was Colin Firth marrying that Spanish? lady after he purchased her or something from her dad?. That whole Colin Firth storyline is the worst.

So is Rambo literally sharpening a pitch fork? I thought that only happened in memes.

The shelves are way too high and the top shelf is too close to the ceiling.

On the other hand, look at all the passengers who WEREN’T murdered!

Quick clarification, the movie you’re thinking of is The Other Guys. The Wrong Guys is a movie from 1988 about Cub Scouts and crime or something (not very clear what it’s about from its description) starting Louie Anderson. The Wrong Guys has no stored reviews on Rotten Tomatoes and seems to have been completely

I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Most of his time on the golf course is spent shaded in the cart. He probably doesn’t get very much sun. Also, his hair is probably really hot.

The Ed Norton movie was the Illusionist which was the shit magician movie from the mid00s. The good one was The Prestige.