

The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics are proving to be a huge turning point in world history.

Your headline says celebrities yet the article mentions Reese Witherspoon and then a bunch of people who aren’t celebrities.

Sure puts that whole Ann Curry firing in a different light.

This looks really nice to me.

Whilst I agree with the sentiment that this decision is likely backed by the need to continue generating good business prospects with China, the hypocrisy from some people here is astounding.

So we can’t be mad at two things at once? Today the bus was late but I can’t be mad at the bus system because Trump is president.


George W Bush may not have been a great president

Actually, he snuck off to China first.

Edward Snowden, perhaps the luckiest out of all whistleblowers in recent years

Hamilton Nolan is a left-wing Thomas Friedman for millennials.

So, is Hamilton Nolan a real person or a bot?

Chasing Amy was that, you need to go back and watch it,

I’m no fan of Rick Perry but he’d be a lot more fun to hang out with than Pence. So, how is this a punishment?

Probably wants to retake Meats and improve that D. 

Gattaca was a good movie but probably would have been better suited to an actor who doesn’t suck.

Conversely, do you think we really live in a world where the vast majority of people see Ethan Hawke is in a movie and that makes them want to go see it?

Seymour Hersh, the Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter, in his memoir Reporter, had this to say on why he chose not to report on the abuse allegations:

Warren would need to prove damages. Not sure how this damages her. Wohl might be able to sue himself for defamation.