Larry B. DuPreez III

Agreed. Both are pretty essential to breezing through the Palaces and Mementos.

Like others have said, don't waste money on guns. Ammo is super limited, so it's a finite source of attack, and if an enemy is weak to it, you only need to land one shot. (Similarly, I usually avoid having characters keep skills that buff, or amp, attack elements, like ice or fire. Definitely keep skills that increase

Shout out to the dude in the crime alert mascot thingy suit. That NPC works hard for a living.

Yoshida really helps you get a lot of stuff while dungeon crawling, in addition to making Hold Ups way more accessible.

Same, although having to max out character stats helped lock out the rest of the waifus,too…I mean, seriously? Debonair Charm? Man…

Ok…fair enough…but most of the time, I thought Morgana was talking directly to me. Several of my past weekends completely disappeared with the 12-hour sessions o_o

You should be grateful.

Sick burn, with the Junpei quip. Never liked him, and he somehow became more obnoxious in the fighting game

No one puts Haru in the corner!

April 16th is on the chalkboard, so the synergy is strong in this premiere.

The only time I walked out of a theater was a result of technical issues and a drunken friend, but the worst movie I saw in the theater is Locke, hands-down. It disagreed with me so much that my body shut down and forced me to sleep, and yet, I remember every gruling minute of it. Stupid concrete.

My favorite part is when Jack fights the giant crab creatures while fighting off Ashi, who is also fighting off the giant crab creatures. The chore is brilliant

My favorite exchange is the one that takes place in the cab of the truck regarding whether they heard backfire or fireworks. Good stuff.

Pretty bummed to hear about the cancellation, but it does make sense, given the finale. It ended on the flip side of how it started. There wasn't really any other grounds to tread, other than parenthood, and by that point, the title doesn't make any sense.

The thirst for Szechuan sauce is real, and there is a petition that Justin Roiland signed to bring it back.

My thoughts: Good looking movie with average to sub-par writing. The number of times that "ghosts" are mentioned is laughable. Also, while I didn't pay much attention to the "Asian appropriation" hoopla, the ending really rubbed me the wrong way.

"Pro-Pain Accessories"…:D Dang it, Bobby…

When the Pro-Pain Accessories store and Dale's Dead Bug appeared in the opening of "Aquaticism," I freaking cheered. It's funny because someone brought up King of the Hill during the Paleyfest Q&A on Friday

First off: didn't know I needed dubstep Bolero in my life. I realize now that it is essential.

I'm caught up with the series, and I JUST realized that Grant is also Dr. Venture. I'm usually good with identifying voices, too. My fault for envisoning James Urbaniak in a speed suit with a bald head and goatee, I guess.