Larry B. DuPreez III

"What's the f****** point of babies?" is my favorite line of the night, other than "…you could have just said that you haven't seen her."

Sammy Davis Jr. Bot!

The look on Navy's face as she tries to kick them off the ship is pretty amazing, and that portait in the sky at the end made me laugh pretty hard. That's so kawaii.

"We're gonna build a ship. It's gonna be yuuuuge…and we're going to make the Thanagarians pay for it."

My God, this episode…the number of times I teared up at the brilliant direction and performances…man…I want 10 seasons of this…

This past month has been an incredible run for movies: John Wick Chapter 2, Get Out, and now, Logan. I really love the parallels that are drawn between Xavier and Logan: two extremely powerful beings that become deterred by their own power.
A few audience members were disappointed by the relative lack of action, but I

So they're saying King is just an apparition…a "Shadow," as it were…hmm…

1) Totally called "Cary" and "Kerry" sharing a body.

You'd think Julian would be a bit more apprehensive to go to a Planet of the Apes, given his past life…

Isn't "Kerry" the woman that helped with the escape in the first episode? She's gone right away after her brief appearance in the episode after it cuts back to the technician, so I don't think she's corporeal 100% of the time. She could possibly be the shadow that David saw while he talked with Ptolemy. Possibly a

Bob's hip hop pose in front of the restaurant is the best thing ever. Soooo hip hop.


I always thought they settled on "Pupkin" as Pumpkin's name, but I guess that was just me.

What this show excels at is avoiding the normal pitfalls of advertising huge twists. For most other shows, commercials would advertise "In the next episode…ONE…WILL…FALL…" (looking at you, Agents of SHIELD and pretty much all ABC dramas…) With JtV, you only start getting hints of something being amiss as episodes play

Anyone else notice the way Marceline said, "Good Morning!" to Susan? Sounded like she really liked what she saw ;)

When "Heroes" started playing, I thought, "Of course they chose this track. Brilliant."

It's great to see they made a movie out of Star Wars Battlefront.

All we need now is a Streets of Rage clone where Bobby is constantly kicking people in the crotch and screaming about his purse to complete strangers.

Darius= break out character of 2016

I was wondering why the bouncer made that weird face at Gretchen when she walked out! I totally forgot about that