Larry B. DuPreez III

This episode feels like an answer to why there hasn't been much of a focus on Amethyst for quite a few episodes. She's still dealing with an inferiority complex, which motivates her to be "whatevs" about everything. This episode genuinely made me feel worried about her, especially when she was reforming and for a

"That's why your name is Walker…you don't fly like the rest of us!"

This is probably my new favorite episode of the series. I'm a sucker for musical episodes, but the whole examination into the tension between Greg and Pearl just turned it up to 11. Character development with catchy musical numbers is what this show excels at.

I think Jesse doesn't use the power on Soccer Mom Angel because the other two angels told him about other forces that might try to take the power, so he decided not to reveal the power to his attacker

I really love the fact that all of the Rubies have their own personalities, as well as their own shades of red. While it was a surprise that this run of episodes would end on such a light note, this is a very fun episode, so I can't fault it, especially if it means more time with Ruby and Sapphire. Also, I hope the

I knew that Michael would get killed for three reasons:
1) It's a wedding. There's no such thing as a telenovela wedding without something horrible happening.
2) That episode from last season that ended with the narrator saying something along the lines of Michael loving Jane until his last breath. The fact that the

Jericho in the cutoff jean shorts is probably my favorite visual gag of the year.

lol awesomely disturbing

Simple answer to the joke: A Paul Bearer. I mean, it's a Jake joke, after all. And I second the Steven Universe recommendation. I wasn't too into the show at first, since I thought Steven was a bit grating. He definitely grew on me, though, and the Gems are awesome. The random music numbers have been up there with the