Larry B. DuPreez III

The John Wick-esque legend of the Pickle Man killed me. I love how they established an old wives tale about wasteful children getting their dreams stolen by a vengeful pickle coming up from their soup. And to have Peter Serafinowicz speak the line? Brilliant!

I really miss Togetherness. I hoped it would it would have gone for at least another couple of seasons, since the cast is so great in it. I am definitely interested in checking out any Duplass Brothers projects, though, so I will definitely check this out

I agree with you on the Allison return. As much as I love the Hendrixes, her return and her scenes with Donnie did seem out of place, especially with the Miike-esque ending.

Really enjoyed the episode. It still blows me away how well Graham McTavish can play two different types of creepy between this show and Outlander (which I really need to catch up on).

Agreed. Also, when the Saint of Killers shows up at the priest's place, and "SAINT OF KILLERS" appeared, I cheered lol

Even in the future, voice recognition technology is terrible. I blame Siri.

I completely get where you're coming from. However, after seeing so many different kinds of adaptations of comics that I grew up with, I prefer adaptations that take liberties than those adaptations that are waaaay too literal and reverent of the source material (*cough* Watchmen *cough*).

In my heart of hearts, I really hoped that Michelle Gomez would get the role, even though I know it wouldn't make any sense (even for Doctor Who). I just want more Michelle Gomez, dammit -_-

Only if Elizabeth Taylor is Ulala

My allegiance was behind all Sega products, so I was a Saturn and Dreamcast guy. On the surface, I always hated Crash, since he represented all that wasn't Sega. However, we have since reconciled, and we now own a cabin by the lake.

And the goal to never have to deal with L.A. traffic ever again becomes one step closer…

I really dig the version of Hell that they present, since they have been used as flashbacks and a means to torture characters. While it did bug me a little that Eugene wasn't a messed up kid that was depressed over the death of Cobain, I do realize that it would have been anachronistic to portray him that way.

The one thing that slightly bothered me is the venue that the event took place in and the "movie theater" that was playing Back to the Future are actually the same place: the Palladium in Hollywood. The "movie theater" is actually the entrance, so it took me out of the moment for a second.

The "crack" montage is easily one of my favorite sequences from any show this year. It's hilarious, it hits the 80's reference perfectly, and it moves the plot forward with Ruth's story about regret "and also crack."

Definitely! As they start to function as a team, they start to develop nuances that really made them endearing to me.

It really depends on how you feel about the characters. Personally, since my expectations were way low before seeing it, I was reallly surprised how well the characters get fleshed out. It's definitely way more of a drama, so if you're expecting more of the goofy action from the tv show, you may find yourself pretty…

This is probably going to be an unpopular opinion, but out of all of the movies I've seen this year, I was the most entertained by Power Rangers. Not that I didn't like a lot of the films on the list, but the movie that had me cheering and laughing the most is, by far, Power Rangers.

I hear ya. It is a valid complaint, since it's a very plot driven series. I still greatly enjoy it for what it is, but hopefully, it will start giving more time for the characters to breathe in the next season.

THIS. Islands and Elements are freaking fantastic runs.

One word: Bismuth