
Note this is the LUX version, not the DUO, so you miss out on the low pressure setting, and few pre-programs, and the yogurt maker, if that maters. The DUO is still $100.

Note this is the LUX version, not the DUO, so you miss out on the low pressure setting, and few pre-programs, and

Your weak post was even lamer than Arrival. Maybe I’m just too dumb to understand it...

Did anyone else think that Arrival was butt? Seriously, didn’t really like anything about it.

It is a pretty good movie, not great (except for the jazz music), but an ok way to spend a couple of hours. I’m not sold on Stone being a great actress, but she’s sympathetic, and watching Gosling half-ass-edly try to dance is entertaining.

He could win by making the books diverge completely from the plot of the tv show. For instance, in the books J would not equal R+L, Danerys does something interesting, Stanis doesn’t actually die and wins Winterfell, etc.

He shits gold now, like Tywin Lannsiter.

That eliminates flatbread, matzo, pita chips, crispbread, and melba toast.

How do you define a cracker vs a chip? Because you are supposed to put other shit on it, it is a cracker? Then the tortilla chip must be included.

Oh, right here, I think.

My toddler is about to move out of his high chair to eat at the table. I wonder if I can get Lupica’s booster seat from ESPN?

If Sylvia is as hot as Maria, Oscar needs to pull his head out and work on hooking that FFM up.


As long as there is a national signing day, kids and schools will continue to dick each other over. They should be able to mutually, officially, commit to each other on paper any time during the id’s senior year of HS, MHO.

I wonder if I swap this out tonight with the original if my two-year old will notice.


I have an incredible active toddler boy. Married a younger woman who didn’t want kids when we got married.  I was born in 1969.

Oh yeah. That’s a star.

Not the kind of pink Sock between the legs I’m familiar with.

I’m reading these comments as I watch the end of Braveheart, with the blood-thirsty crowd calling out for more a more punishment.
