Bobby Hurley reincarnate, I tell ya.
Bobby Hurley reincarnate, I tell ya.
Got this and a Kid’s Edition Fire when my son was about 18 months. He’ll be 2 next month, and he knows how to turn it on himself and navigate to whatever Team Umizoomi, Backyardigans, or Daniel Tiger game or video he is currently obsessed with. It is a bargain, allowing me a little bit of time to ignore him, knowing…
You do understand what domestic violence is, and that this is not that, don’t you?
And only one had shattered facial bones.
Did you know he played basketball?
I guess you could do it once.
Yes, but San Diegan’s won’t care. They won; he lost. Hopefully this will grow a spine in other cities with professional sports teams.
That hack Shakespeare never had the vision to make JarJar Binks a galactic senator.
I think this is appropriate here:
Greatest SNL skit of all time. OF ALL TIME!!
Oatmeal cream IPA sounds gottdamn delicious.
It was. Much worse.
Having that 12th player will help too.
....Everyone with twice as much money as a Nexus cost.
Too big. I want a pure Android tablet that is Kindle size.
I do. And also a messenger bag.
Yeah. It’s as Ann as the nose on plain’s face.