
I understand this is going to be tough for you to understand because you’re fucking retarded, but the point isn’t that Dem politicians are any cleaner than Repub politicians. The point is that the Dem politicians also don’t push laws that relate to restricting the sexual (or birth control) activity of people, while

Holy fucking shit this is a stupid comment. And I do not bike myself, and HATE sharing the roads in my mid-sized city with cyclists. Still incredibly stupid

Holy fucking shit, you are fucking stupid.

ALSO DEFENSE IN BASEBALL (especially when one MVP candidate is playing CF and the other is a fat guy playing 1B who should actually be a DH) IS EXACTLY THE SAME AS DEFENSE IN BASKETBALL


Because there aren’t nearly as many of them as there are Cardinals fans. Put the Spurs franchise (with the same success, players, etc. for the past 20 years) in a bigger market, and watch them instantly become the Shaq/Kobe Lakers of [large metro area] 2.0.


Please come back in 2020 and tell us how many rounds Trump played in his 4 years. If it’s more than 333, please have an explanation as to why that’s OK

I hope you’re doing OK.

This is a bad, dumb take. But thanks for letting us know who #therealracists are.

Because most Republicans are stupid pieces of shit.

They did horribly in the deal. Subban was not a prospect. He’s better than Weber right now, and the gap between them will get bigger with each season. He has more even strength points than Weber this year in 18 fewer games played. Oh, and Weber’s contract runs through 2026.

“This is a playoff team as long as Carey Price is the league’s best goalie”

I’ve always thought that first gif was unfair to Rivers. Pretty sure he just slipped on a part of the floor that the mop kid didn’t adequately dry off.

Boy, you sure do need safe spaces as soon as your POTUS gets criticized now, though. For evidence, just see, I don’t know, any comments section on any site where anyone points out what a piece of shit Trump is. Immediately with the special snowflakes demanding their safe spaces. Funny how that works.

Conservatives, January 2017: “Be nice and give our candidate a chance! The country needs to come together! You lost, liberals! Get over it and get on board!”

This false equivalency almost hurts to read. Yes, conservatives bitched about Obama for 8 years straight. Yes, liberals will likely bitch about Trump for 4 years straight. Maybe, just maybe, you can think a little deeper (wading into that scary stuff called “policy”) and figure out why it’s not a very good take to

It is incredibly funny when people still try to tell themselves or others that Trump might care about anyone other than Trump and those in his inner circle. Thank you for the laugh.

You sound mad. Why are you so mad?

Correct—Broncos fan here. I will be pulling for you guys from here on out, for this specific reason and this reason alone.