
Glad to see you in the comments, Jameis!

Ppl forget that

Even better, the voice of the customer he scams with the Tru-Coat. You’re a liar, Mr. Lundegaard!

More of this, please. This is becoming my default response to dumbfuck “lol you’re just a special snowflake who needs a safe space” comments. Go to YOUR safe space, dude. You’re the one who’s bothered by the article. (I mean the OP, not you) 

You sound pretty butthurt. Sorry your snowflake opinion isn’t popular around here. Guess what? You’re not special either.

Doesn’t answer my question. Just make the whole plane out of that stuff!

No one cares.

In your case, no, I see nothing wrong with it. Tough guy.

Ooooh, look out, tough guy over here everyone! We got a tough guy who doesn’t like that internet comments are anonymous. I bet you think I wouldn’t say this stuff to your face. I bet you’re wrong. And also not a tough guy.

Thank you for this insight; no offense to him (I think Brian is a great character), but I much prefer your answer to his “idk I’d probably just land the plane lol shrug” sentiment.

Why are you still here and not jumping in front of a moving train?

Damn kids and their rock’n’roll, right? Young people today don’t even know how to do the Charleston! Whole country’s gone to hell in a handbasket if you ask me.

And why don’t they just make the whole plane out of the same material as the black box, amirite?

Kill yourself immediately, thanks


When I read the headline I thought this would be about how Jackson couldn’t construct a team to save his own life now that he doesn’t have one of the 10 best players ever to build around. But yeah, this too.

There are 23 D Senate seats up in 2018, and 8 Rs. The Rs may not be able to swing enough of those to get to 60, but they might, and even if they don’t, I wouldn’t bet against either a repeal and replace or at least a super significant modification to the ACA by 2019. Based on the SCOTUS ruling, too, Trump can just

See you in 2 or 3 years!

Number of instances of proven voter fraud in presidential elections since 2000: under 100. Number of instances of people who were registered to vote being turned away from the polls on technicalities made enforceable by nonsensical laws passed by Republican state legislatures since 2000: literally in the hundreds of

Flawless comeback. No, he’s not going to successfully create a Muslim registry. He’s probably not even going to build his special wall. But he absolutely is going to dismantle environmental regulations, get Congress to repeal the ACA, get Congress to neuter Dodd-Frank, and severely damage or entirely destroy the small