I am much chagrined to not remember this bit!
I am much chagrined to not remember this bit!
How bizarre. I’ve seen the movie three times and I don’t remember this scene! I need to quit drinking.
1: I don’t know what this is from, please explain
I’m clearly a serious outlier here but I can’t abide *any* milk in my cereal.
Still had Jedi in it...
The (sadly short-lived) sci-fi adventure TV show The Middle Man had an episode that hinged on a person clearly modeled on Dr. Phil who hunted humans for sport.
Sam likes to work.
“an absurd stereotype of a menacing Black villain”
I spent an hour or two on my Cmr. Shepard, I wanted him to look distinctive but still attractive. The end result was vaguely Daniel Craig-ish, I was pleased with it.
I don’t know jack about lenses but I have a photographer in my life to buy gifts for. Would this work with non-Canon cameras, say the Sony alpha series?
I don’t know jack about lenses but I have a photographer in my life to buy gifts for. Would this work with non-Canon…
ADDENDUM: He was always splendid except for that movie where he played Jack Ruby, that is one of the worst films I ever saw in a theater and he was terrible in it. Oh well
Oh this is sad.
You’re not wrong. Any pizzamaker worth their salt will tell you that too much sauce will ruin a pie. You gotta have thinly-sauced spots so the cheese can adhere to the crust below.
Well those sold out fast
Well those sold out fast
It has to have been something serious for them to whisk him away to Walter Reed. There’s a well-outfitted and staffed medical facility right in the WH.
The current season of the You Must Remember This podcast is doing a deep dive into the film. Good stuff.
Heck just the fact that it is in stereoscopic 3D is a huge deal, even if it didn’t have the head tracking—I found the depth perception immediately helped me to judge turns 100% better than playing in non-VR.
My pothead days are behind me—they coincided with the PS1, and our go-to games for playing while lit were Jumping Flash 2 and any of the Wipeout games. Oh and Road Rash (The 3DO version!)