Larry Indiana

The clunky 90's signifiers were almost as eye-rollingly bad as the insipid 80's signifiers in The Wedding Singer.

I find flat noodles with a heavy sauce to be an unpleasantly messy affair to eat. Much prefer a pasta you can eat in single bites, like a penne or a gnocchi.

Captain Marvel was pretty good, I do hope we get to see more of Talos. Ben Mendelsohn was just so good, we can’t let him be a one-and-done.
Although I think his performance cold have benefitted from some ADR, he seemed to be having some difficulty speaking with whatever kind of fake teeth they had him wearing.

Yes, and we also see in Iron Man 2 that Howard Stark was deeply involved in Project Pegasus as well, he might have worked alongside Dr. Lawson on the Tesseract.

Hey, the music is pretty sweet.

I rewatched it recently. Personally I was just dumbstruck as to why on earth it was rated R.

It has a little Deadpool pinball table in it!

Huh! Maybe a charcoal grill would work.

I like me a crispy pepperoni. Just arrange them on a paper towel on a plate and microwave for like 10 seconds. Bam.

Just one of the funniest bits in a very funny movie. Thanks for this.

Ah, except that there is little evidence that feral cats actually prey on rats.

Yeah, I’ve been trying to remember to say this. Restaurant cooks are loathe to break the yolk, and I get that, it’s pleasing to the eye when intact, but also can result in an undercooked egg.

Just a little— the yolk is set all around it’s perimeter so they were clearly aiming for over hard, but there’s a pocket of runny stuff in the middle. Gets all over the plate.

Thank you. I don’t know what StrangerSnacks up there is talking about, but even in the unlikely event that the cook doesn’t know what “over hard” means, then it’s not hard to suss out from context.
I honestly think the issue is that restaurant cooks like to take care to make sure the yolk on a fried egg is intact, and

I took a crack at it once, keeping the scope limited to Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, and Thor, splicing the scenes together best as I could figure the order was in, and then just going into Avengers. They cut together pretty well, it was like watching 8 episodes of a Marvel TV show. Not sure where the mp4 file went.

TRUE. It’s awful confusing and easy to forget stuff! I didn’t even mention the present-day prologue to Captain America, because who knows where that happened in the timeline. It could have occurred before Iron Man for all we know.

Even more fun? Watch them in chronological order. Like, the prologue to Thor: The Dark World, Then the prologue to Thor, then Captain America: The First Avenger*, then the prologue to Ant-Man, Then Iron Man, then watch The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, and the rest of Thor simultaneously on three screens, then The

“Over hard” is literally the only term I have ever heard for a fried egg flipped over with the yolk cooked through. If you were ordering just “a fried egg” and they didn’t then immediately ask you how you would like it cooked, well, then those were some weird restaurants you were patronizing.

Every goddamn time I order a fried egg over hard, it is served to me still runny and has to be sent back.