Larry Indiana

All I can say is they are way, way too sweet for me. I’ve only ever had a bite of one and it was a weeks worth of sugar intake by my standards.

Venom is stupid, and every symbiote spin-off character is even stupider.

A good tire pressure gauge is a friend forever. The one built into the pump will always, always be wrong.

A good tire pressure gauge is a friend forever. The one built into the pump will always, always be wrong.


while not being overly muscular”
What is wrong with people

Guinness Foreign Extra as a base for a steak marinade is my everything. Look for the yellow label on the bottle, that’s how you know it’s the good stuff.

It used all the Vita’s unique features in interesting and novel ways. Like, in parts you had to use the rear touch panel to punch holes in the landscape from below, and you’d see “your” finger depicted doing so in the game world, and using the Vita cameras for taking pictures of stuff to use for textures in-game, thing

It was wort getting just to play through Tearaway, IMHO.
Sad news, but I’ll console myself by playing PS4 Spider-Man on it while taking a dump.

Oof, thank you, was disappointed they missed this one. It has enough crazy for its own article.

I’m not a vegetarian but I dig on seitan every now and then. Definitely superior to tofu.

There was a rumor that A4 opens a year past the end of Infinity War, with Clint tracking down Skrulls in Japan.

Whoa whoa whoa, pooping blood can mean a *lot* of things, many of which are *not* cancer. Like hemorrhoids, for example?

If Stan Lee was here, you would get a shiny new No-Prize!

Man I am glad that my interest in video game fandom is winding down. 

I adore the film as well. I especially like how well it fits in with the rest of Ang Lee’s canon—the idea that keeps recurring in his films that you can only be at peace and be your true self when you are in a natural environment, far from civilization.

And there’s always The Earwax Method.

Screen looking got so bad that a member of our group constructed a cardboard “blinder” to attach to his TV so each player could only view his own quadrant of the screen. Totally changed the game.

I read something about this—The handicapped stalls are not like handicapped parking spaces in that it’s some kind of violation to use them if you are not handicapped. The handicapped stalls count towards the number of toilets required for any building’s occupancy, they aren’t a cut out reserved specifically for the dis

Seriously, that thing is going to make ribbons out of my trash can liner.