Larry Indiana

IIRC, Dr. Nick’s voice is based on Gabor Csupo, co founder of the animation studio, Klasky Csupo. Mr. Csupo is a Hungarian. 

LA Confidential is superior to the book. (They are both excellent, though)

More evidence that he and his entire family are sickos. Even Nixon had a couple of dogs.

Because it’s not as much of a messy, smelly, pain in the ass? Obviously broiled in the oven is the ideal method but if you just need some bacon, microwave is a perfectly acceptable method as far as I’m concerned.

Yeah, just use a ton of paper towels and nuke the absolute shit out of it. This works if you like crispy pepperoni too.

One very first comic books I bought myself with my own money was an issue of ROM:Spaceknight that Ditko illustrated, featuring Rom consumed by Ego, The Living Planet. I must have read it a hundred times as a kid, and it’s a cherished part of my collection. I was so pleased that the climactic scenes within Ego in

Right! A can of lemonade is great for this method as well.

I’d say component cables make Wii games look great, then I remembered most new TVs don’t even have component connectors any more. :(

I can’t even be in the same room, nay, the same building as canned tuna without retching. Being exposed to that on a moving vehicle would probably be my death.

Man if they are making those burgers from a single cow, they’re going to run out of stock soon. They really should have gotten more cows.

Are the coins necessary? Am I wrong to presume that the metallic EMV chips in most credit cards these days would also be detected?

And the special effect of him drifting through space was some bush-league stuff, just a static 2-D photo of him falling away from the camera, it’s like they used a pre-vis instead of a completed FX shot. Ugh.

And the engine was fantastic! I played it on the PS3 and everything was so silky, it was a nearly rock-solid 60fps.

I’m a guy who loves ma a sci-fi space buggy* and the Chariots do not disappoint. I like their tiny little steering wheels! still has a place in my fridge because I need something to hold tuna salad together.

The Root was not “created” by GMG or Univision. They acquired it from Slate.

Our little Moki is a shoulder cat, but ONLY when I sit in a specific chair in a specific room. Is that weird?

Aww, look at that little guy.

Dr. Johnson clarifies that she and her colleagues submitted their paper in APA style with two spaces after periods, but the journal Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics edited to one space.

Right, sure, most restaurants will do that, but this was a commercial product produced by an entity other than the restaurant itself, like Heinz ketchup. (It wasn’t Heinz ketchup)