Larry Indiana

It’s under the fridge, Claire.

Hey I linve in Boston and I couldn’t find any damn butterscotch chips at the grocery store either. Gonna try to make these tonight subbing in white chocolate.

Hell, the be-sainted Ronald Reagan himself signed gun control bills into law as governor of CA after the Black Panthers started walking around with pistols and rifles and whatnot.

Not a Hill fan* but Christ almighty she was referring to actual nazis! Why was this statement controversial in the least????

I honestly would prefer it if I never dreamed at all. Like, if I was a millionaire I would employ an anesthesiologist full time, just to knock me out every night and the last thing I would remember when I woke up would be falling asleep, not the anguish of nightmares/stress dreams/just plain weirdness.

You got me, after posting I was much chagrined to see that I used “I feel” three fucking times. I used to be able to write well, I swear.

Oh, mercy I haven’t had a Red Hook ESB in a dog’s age, now I wanna quit for the day and get a sixer. “Ballard Bitter” is a solid damn beer.

Duly noted but it still is plenty hoppy. I like a Harpoon IPA as well but I don’t know if those are available much outside of the Northeast.

I feel like the issue might be more craft brewer’s increasing zeal for making ever-hoppier beers. I feel like a Sierra Nevada is the platonic ideal of a hoppy beer. Anything hoppier than that I feel like I’m drinking a smoothie made from pine cones.

Abby looked like John Lithgow.

These videos rule.

Shit, half the time they’re just reading a newspaper or their phone or something.

Brown has more fiber than white, and has a lower glycemic index than white, but nutritionally it’s a “stalemate” with white? Oh c’mon. I thought more fiber=way better, or is that in dispute now too? (Don’t get me wrong I’d rather eat white all the time. but jeez)

How visible are these things when mounted? Seems like it’d be pretty enticing piece of tech to smash a window and steal.

How visible are these things when mounted? Seems like it’d be pretty enticing piece of tech to smash a window and

I hate him just because I always get his name mixed up with the far more groovy Lee Hazelwood.

Just a quick clarification—mostly these days we refer to the Peabody museum as the Harvard Museum of Natural History. If you ask to go to the Peabody Museum, somebody might take you to the Peabody-Essex Museum in Salem. (The “Peabody Museum” at Harvard occupies the same space as the Natural History museum, but it is

The only, and I mean the ONLY good thing about it was the click when you fully depressed the shoulder buttons. I wish that had been implemented in other controllers hence.

Cornstarch. Starch from corn.

The ICA and the Museum of Fine Arts are superb, but if you really want your socks knocked off, you gotta go to the Isabella Stewart Gardner museum, there’s nothing like it in the country.