Modnight Rider

Politics has nothing to do with hating hearing about Tebow, or hating that Tebow gets a free ride to suck ass at baseball, taking roster spots from countless other minor league actual-baseball-players just so whatever franchise can sell some jerseys and tickets to Tebow sheep.

So she’s suggesting that people physically assault people concerned about sexual assaults?

I’m not a scientist, but I know science and I think this reestablishes the fact that aliens are real***. It won’t be long before they arrive.

We are sending up a monster new telescope next year to replace the broken Kepler and aging Hubble. The new James Webb telescope may very well be powerful enough to identify signs* of life on other planets so finding likely candidates is important so we know where to point it. I’m so fucking excited. Scientists have

Minogue’s attorneys also described Jenner as “a secondary reality television personality,”

I grew up with a friend that started doing motocross at a young age with similar regard for his body. Couldn’t stay on the bike because he kept going for crazier and crazier jumps. His body didn’t cooperate with his lifestyle and spent more time with broken legs, arms, collar bones than on the bike. Who he was

If this weren’t being shown in the X Games, it’d be shown on the GoPro channel or Red Bull channel on Youtube. ESPN would be outright losing money if they didn’t keep it as part of the X Games. Not that being THAT cold-blooded about it helps things, but that’s how they’re thinking it through.

You must be taking about old Yankee Stadium.


Well, they both spend a lot of time talking about walls.

I wish these morons would just be honest and say that “religious freedom” to them means free reign for Christainity and restriction/suppression for any other religion or belief system. I'd have more respect for them if they were at least up front about their fuckery rather than trying to mask their hypocrisy with a

lets go there wearing our huge Stars of Davids, holding Scientific American jornal, while holding hands,

Not that hard to understand. His a stud, this abuse was encouraged.

There is real porn on the internet.