Modnight Rider

He’s the Christian version of a Kardashian

Oh oh..CHRISTIANS will read this and CRY “persecution” because you bad mouthed thei “golden boy” Timmy Tebow...

I feel bad for the girls because their education will consiust of having no authority and being submisive to ordained by GOD...Ephesians 5:22

So does the bill also force the man to pay child support too???

So the father of the child decides the woman shouldn’t get an abortion will the law also force him to pay child support or will the state end up with the tab??

Unrelated but look what I found...44


33 states and the federal government are under GOP control. whuch is great news for White America since this is the last chance to SAVE their country beflore The Others take over...Of course, they’l also gut this country and leave it smouldering for The others....Because in 20 years Whites will be a minority majority

Lord GTrump will make it LEGAL Nationwide

Trump’s coser to know petty, vindictive....

While it still early for Netwon, others that won the Heisman end up with craptastic careers in the NFl..Manziel, Matt Leihart...

Welcome to Trump’s NEW America...

That’s why ESPN has resorted to shill for the WWE “Sportz entertainment” to try to get the viwers back...

It looked more like a belly to belly suplex, not a bodyslam..

ANiston shouldn’t talk since she stole Justin from his fiance...

It’s a BIBLE belt thing...

ComcastNBCUniversalDreamWorks blew billions of dollars on broadcasting the Olympics until 2032..They also got the IOC to stop having both WInter and Summer OLym;pics in the same year...

NBC’s blowing billions of dollars covering the OLympics until they’ll do whatever they want and you’ll LIKE it

NBC blew billion of dollar to show the Olympics until 2032..They’ll do whatever the Hell they want, ....usa!.;-)

Mark would’ve been an Orioles if it wasn’t for his whiny wife complaining about the lack of nightlife in Baltimore so on he went to the Yankees being overpaid to bring 1! title to Yankees..And don’t forget how The Yankees rubbed it in the face of the Red Sox when they him in 2004...Boy do they ever regret that