
@avclub-23dc117ef9479407fb6c6a666005af40:disqus While it's not exactly my favourite Voyager storyline, I had no real issues with where they went with Seska. She was around to lay the ground for some intrigue and to play a villain and then after she had made the requisite number of twists we were done with her and they

@avclub-23dc117ef9479407fb6c6a666005af40:disqus While it's not exactly my favourite Voyager storyline, I had no real issues with where they went with Seska. She was around to lay the ground for some intrigue and to play a villain and then after she had made the requisite number of twists we were done with her and they

That 'reverse-synergy' thing is often true of pairings of Avery Brooks with any other actor. It's like Brooks is off in his own little world sometimes. I don't dislike his performance but I do think that the offbeat nature of it may not be entirely intentional and may be due to Brooks's tendency to stop listening to

That 'reverse-synergy' thing is often true of pairings of Avery Brooks with any other actor. It's like Brooks is off in his own little world sometimes. I don't dislike his performance but I do think that the offbeat nature of it may not be entirely intentional and may be due to Brooks's tendency to stop listening to

While it's true that I do not watch Trek for the brilliant performances, I would not go as far you do @avclub-53e4db6f596904f154b5efa09193e3ab:disqus in characterising the enjoyment of them as a kind of charity. I'm sure you know that as much of a performance happens in the editing room as on a set. Star Trek can't

While it's true that I do not watch Trek for the brilliant performances, I would not go as far you do @avclub-53e4db6f596904f154b5efa09193e3ab:disqus in characterising the enjoyment of them as a kind of charity. I'm sure you know that as much of a performance happens in the editing room as on a set. Star Trek can't

"I have my suspicions—1. allowing for denouement makes many preferred
Star Trek plots impossible because a full consideration of the
consequences to the setting would irrecoverable and 2. that denouement
would be tonally incoherent in most cases—but I wonder if there are
other reasons."

"I have my suspicions—1. allowing for denouement makes many preferred
Star Trek plots impossible because a full consideration of the
consequences to the setting would irrecoverable and 2. that denouement
would be tonally incoherent in most cases—but I wonder if there are
other reasons."

Farrell is barely competent and no more; however that is very much par for the course for Star Trek. Farrell just gets extra flack because she's better looking than all the other middling actors, and people take extra special joy in running down the mental abilities of the super-beautiful.

Farrell is barely competent and no more; however that is very much par for the course for Star Trek. Farrell just gets extra flack because she's better looking than all the other middling actors, and people take extra special joy in running down the mental abilities of the super-beautiful.

@avclub-53e4db6f596904f154b5efa09193e3ab:disqus Yeah, science fiction is a much broader category of tastes than Trek — although Trek suffered enough mission-creep over the years that eventually it covered every taste from space opera to hard sci fi (like in The Chase when suddenly a Starfleet Doctor appears to

@avclub-53e4db6f596904f154b5efa09193e3ab:disqus Yeah, science fiction is a much broader category of tastes than Trek — although Trek suffered enough mission-creep over the years that eventually it covered every taste from space opera to hard sci fi (like in The Chase when suddenly a Starfleet Doctor appears to

"It would, however, be spectacularly poor at producing killing blows during the course of combat."

"It would, however, be spectacularly poor at producing killing blows during the course of combat."

Cartoony Dukat and cartoony Winn and cartoony Pah-wraiths pretty ruined the series finale.

Cartoony Dukat and cartoony Winn and cartoony Pah-wraiths pretty ruined the series finale.

@avclub-4215108aab6eeb76e0a44d2928e041ec:disqus The concept of a 'warrior Vulcan' instead of the usual run-of-the-mill science-based Vulcan was a very interesting one that is under-remarked upon in fan circles, and it really made quite a difference from the usual Vulcan storyline, allowing Tuvok to explore underlying

@avclub-4215108aab6eeb76e0a44d2928e041ec:disqus The concept of a 'warrior Vulcan' instead of the usual run-of-the-mill science-based Vulcan was a very interesting one that is under-remarked upon in fan circles, and it really made quite a difference from the usual Vulcan storyline, allowing Tuvok to explore underlying

She maybe have been hot, but she wasn't a very believable Vulcan at all. Every time she tried to be logical I didn't really buy it. But at least she tried; she has that over T'Pol.

She maybe have been hot, but she wasn't a very believable Vulcan at all. Every time she tried to be logical I didn't really buy it. But at least she tried; she has that over T'Pol.