@avclub-5fd46b34a6a2b731b200d17014ad4409:disqus "Memory Alpha seems to think that the oldest of these colonies would have been 15-20 years old."
@avclub-5fd46b34a6a2b731b200d17014ad4409:disqus "Memory Alpha seems to think that the oldest of these colonies would have been 15-20 years old."
@avclub-5fd46b34a6a2b731b200d17014ad4409:disqus "Memory Alpha seems to think that the oldest of these colonies would have been 15-20 years old."
@avclub-4215108aab6eeb76e0a44d2928e041ec:disqus Perhaps Vulcans other than Spock only appeared in person in 'Journey to Babel' and 'Amok Time', but an entire Vulcan science vessel was destroyed, I think, at the beginning of 'The Immunity Syndrome'.
@avclub-4215108aab6eeb76e0a44d2928e041ec:disqus Perhaps Vulcans other than Spock only appeared in person in 'Journey to Babel' and 'Amok Time', but an entire Vulcan science vessel was destroyed, I think, at the beginning of 'The Immunity Syndrome'.
@avclub-146bc30c345d31f3468fec764a1970e1:disqus Klingons do not turn their backs on their friends over some failed diplomacy and a few tribbles.
@avclub-146bc30c345d31f3468fec764a1970e1:disqus Klingons do not turn their backs on their friends over some failed diplomacy and a few tribbles.
"I was hoping for a discussion about how Kor's and Koloth's personalities got switched for this episode."
"I was hoping for a discussion about how Kor's and Koloth's personalities got switched for this episode."
The way some people talk (particularly DS9 partisans), it's like having people sniping at and insulting each other is the whole point of science fiction, and if you don't go there, it is worthless.
The way some people talk (particularly DS9 partisans), it's like having people sniping at and insulting each other is the whole point of science fiction, and if you don't go there, it is worthless.
Musical episodes on non-musical shows are almost always the worst. Yes, including Buffy.
Musical episodes on non-musical shows are almost always the worst. Yes, including Buffy.
Of course, Threshold is awful and everyone drags it out to beat Voyager fans over the head with, notwithstanding the fact that every series has awful episodes. However, you gotta risk big to win big. Going high-concept risks falling flat on your face and then the high-concept backfires, becoming a big sore thumb…
Of course, Threshold is awful and everyone drags it out to beat Voyager fans over the head with, notwithstanding the fact that every series has awful episodes. However, you gotta risk big to win big. Going high-concept risks falling flat on your face and then the high-concept backfires, becoming a big sore thumb…
TNG is a special case because of reasons.
TNG is a special case because of reasons.
I preferred Janeway's pageboy cut too — it was clearly a style Mulgrew felt more comfortable wearing, and it changed her interpretation of Janeway for the better.
I preferred Janeway's pageboy cut too — it was clearly a style Mulgrew felt more comfortable wearing, and it changed her interpretation of Janeway for the better.
@avclub-b894e4330aeaa46a373292d17c62984d:disqus Well I agree with you on Enterprise! I wouldn't put Archer in charge of a bicycle.
@avclub-b894e4330aeaa46a373292d17c62984d:disqus Well I agree with you on Enterprise! I wouldn't put Archer in charge of a bicycle.