
I don't know if this has been said already (2000 comments? no — just no) but it's not Anna Gunn's fault. No wife would be that scared of a husband she had known for so long and who had never physically hurt her, in that situation. All of Walt's crimes (that she knows about) were against people who had threatened their

I don't know if this has been said already (2000 comments? no — just no) but it's not Anna Gunn's fault. No wife would be that scared of a husband she had known for so long and who had never physically hurt her, in that situation. All of Walt's crimes (that she knows about) were against people who had threatened their

I said, "They (DS9 writers) didn't really care much about continuity when it conflicted with the stories they wanted to tell."

I said, "They (DS9 writers) didn't really care much about continuity when it conflicted with the stories they wanted to tell."

What difference would it make to you if Zack went on to do Voyager? You could just stop reading, but no: you don't just want to live in your own brand of light — you also want other fans to live in darkness.

What difference would it make to you if Zack went on to do Voyager? You could just stop reading, but no: you don't just want to live in your own brand of light — you also want other fans to live in darkness.

Because I am not the Borg?

Because I am not the Borg?

@avclub-53e4db6f596904f154b5efa09193e3ab:disqus "I liked your Voyager defenses…" Thanks Rich, and I have enjoyed reading the history of your postings as I have gone through TNG and DS9 since February, but I am aware that this run of reviews is mostly for DS9 fans and I don't want to adopt the stance of constantly

@avclub-53e4db6f596904f154b5efa09193e3ab:disqus "I liked your Voyager defenses…" Thanks Rich, and I have enjoyed reading the history of your postings as I have gone through TNG and DS9 since February, but I am aware that this run of reviews is mostly for DS9 fans and I don't want to adopt the stance of constantly

I think you are way overstating Roddenberry's allergy to conflict and negative elements in drama. Most of this comes from behind the scenes talk and the frustrations of certain writers and not from the episodes themselves. If you watch the episodes themselves and ignore extraneous info, while it's true that TNG got

So long, folks! I appreciate those of you indulging my perspectives on and criticisms of DS9 but I'm going to bow out of this rewatch as of 'Sacrifice of Angels'.

So long, folks! I appreciate those of you indulging my perspectives on and criticisms of DS9 but I'm going to bow out of this rewatch as of 'Sacrifice of Angels'.

@avclub-53e4db6f596904f154b5efa09193e3ab:disqus Agreed that not showing dislike is the minimum requirement. But that's not all she did. She nailed that relationship, and it became the central relationship of the show, essentially a Kirk/Spock but as if Spock were to come to Kirk as a child, and Kirk would have to

@avclub-53e4db6f596904f154b5efa09193e3ab:disqus Agreed that not showing dislike is the minimum requirement. But that's not all she did. She nailed that relationship, and it became the central relationship of the show, essentially a Kirk/Spock but as if Spock were to come to Kirk as a child, and Kirk would have to

@avclub-f3dcf2b24cdcda5f5a9e51cce73cbeff:disqus I don't want to get *too* much into duelling lists, as I'm sure everyone else will have their own versions and be relatively bored by ours, but of the ones you mentioned: 'Night', 'Drone', 'Think Tank', 'Equinox' (parts 1 & 2), 'Tinker Tenor…', and 'Pathfinder' are all

@avclub-f3dcf2b24cdcda5f5a9e51cce73cbeff:disqus I don't want to get *too* much into duelling lists, as I'm sure everyone else will have their own versions and be relatively bored by ours, but of the ones you mentioned: 'Night', 'Drone', 'Think Tank', 'Equinox' (parts 1 & 2), 'Tinker Tenor…', and 'Pathfinder' are all

@avclub-53e4db6f596904f154b5efa09193e3ab:disqus Thanks. 8)

@avclub-53e4db6f596904f154b5efa09193e3ab:disqus Thanks. 8)

Starfleet could only be *entirely* military if the word 'military' means something different in the 24th Century than it does today. The words 'civilian' and 'military' are not at absolute designation but merely large buckets into which we slot for convenience all sorts of different kinds of behaviour. There is no