
Oh. My. Goodness. I've been on board with black-ish since day one, but this week was a whole other level of wit and hilarity. Who wrote this episode?! (Okay, posted before I read review. Question answered.)

Really? Okay, Modern Family, I defer to your consistency.

Black viewer here. Not offended. Just hard to believe that we are only now learning this about Phil after seven years.

Hmm…I wasn't completely enamored with this episode. It wouldn't get an A from me. There were enough laughs for me to enjoy it, but those last ten minutes—beginning with Zoey's out of nowhere emotionality—were too earnest. Also I couldn't swallow the always preternaturally wise Diane suddenly being naïve.

Yeah, that business threw me. Nick's character wasn't a creep, was he? The failure of that whole arc with them dating is underlined by the fact that I can't remember anything about Cannon's character.

I agree about the humor. The jokes are landing. Still there's so much breathless discussion about how "We can't let X happen, because then Y and that will be terrible…" and yet I'm not on the edge of my seat listening to those conversations.

I'm disappointed in what the show has offered this season. My guess is they don't have the budget they had in season one and there are far fewer action set pieces. The show is very talky now and most of what they talk about is not riveting. It's a show that's only suspenseful in its last 10 minutes. Great cast,

The son has this effect on me, too.

Had no idea about Jim Rash's extensive resume. Dude has an Oscar and was a regular on Community? To me he was simply the "There's no left phalange!" guy.

Traci Ellis Ross was giving me flashbacks to Joan Clayton last night in her dramatic scenes.

Jake was too dumb to live in this episode.

If you love this movie (as I do), you may also enjoy (as I did) film scholar Melvyn Stokes' short book about it. It's one in the BFI Film Classics series and it discusses every aspect of the movie from the casting, direction, set design and musical numbers, to the conventions of the period that shaped it and the

It pains me to say this but they should have dubbed Diane's singing if we were supposed to be impressed by her vocals.

"…[K]lutzy fake piano playing…"?? As if assured fake piano playing is what that sketch really needed?

This ep didn't work for me. Both Black-ish and MF let me down. Too much anger without strong enough laughs to offset the bickering. Didn't put me in the holiday spirit.

Amber Riley made a fan out of me!

Zoe's hairstyle was tha bomb in the scene in the bedroom where she's telling Jack and Diane about elegance. That's all I got.

Had he not broken his ankle Dean would have stuck with sports and not got involved in the school's theater program. I think.

"Survival" from the Survival lp is my jaaaaaaaaaaam. That is all.

Sixteen hours later and it's just dawned on me why Hitch & Scully as mustard and mustard is funny.