
Oh, for Hera's sake, another Wonder Woman movie article? Is this to compensate for AV Club originally giving the film a borderline "meh" review. It's okay—it was a meh movie, in most ways.

This season could have been stellar. All they needed to do was excise the Francesca storyline. Seriously, what were they thinking with that? That entire humor-free, subtle, character study/romance plotline belonged in a different show.

Loved this season, but this episode right here…it showed (unintentionally?) how banal the trajectory of two people falling in love can be. I mean, really, they decided to make THIS one an hour long installment? One of the things I so admired about the previous eight shows was their breezy conciseness. There's a

Diana as brought to life from clay by Aphrodite or GTFO.

I'm 45 minutes into the special and I had to pause it and come here to say this is some funny shit! "A" grade well deserved.

Yeah, as soon as I heard what he said re Trump during that monologue I knew he was no deep thinker. Same with Aziz Ansari.

“Well, what’s the other ingredient, Mr. Cosby?" Heh. Good one, that.

I emphatically agree with this.

Pine is really six feet tall? Huh. When he walked out for the monologue I thought "He's short."

[Shrugs] It's not really that bad.

He was so good in those movies that I didn't want him to play Cap initially. (I got over it, though.)

No, it isn't ignorance on the part of many Republicans. I've heard it from their own mouths: "That's not my problem." That is a direct quote. I'm not paraphrasing, I'm not exaggerating. There is no trap to fall into. Some people care about folks to whom they are not related. Some simply don't. There's no

Wow, a sad final installment…but I guess it couldn't have concluded any other way. This is the only episode that I wouldn't give an A or A-. It was a B. That hallucination/dream sequence was unnecessary. I didn't need to hear the players spell out what the show had already so artfully dramatized over the past

OMG! I've got to read this.

No, you aren't the only one. De Haviland was lovely, but not dripping with eroticism like CZJ.

This was a B or B - for me. "Let's Dance" did feel indulgent, but I don't feel as if Fallon hijacked the entire show. And actually I couldn't object to a "host" doing that anyway.

Another excellent, excellent hour of television. One thing though: Sarandon is too conventionally pretty for me to take her seriously in the "woe is me-I'm not beautiful" scenes. I think that's my issue with her whole performance.

I think that CZJ, ironically, looks more like Fontaine than de Haviliand.

I find that Sasheer, this season, has slowly started to show distinction. I'm calling it finding her Keenan-Thompson-groove. She's effectively underplaying her one line or her one reaction shot and has been notably funnier than in the past.

Thor in a helmet—any helmet—gets me hyped.