
One of the thoughts that I’ve hated more than anything over the last 300 million years it feels like Trump has been President, is the amount of credit he gets for being some next level supervillain genius who’s masterfully manipulating the press and his believers.

He believes the bit about the smugglers and the duct tape because he believes it, and because he believes it now he will never stop believing it.

big government

“I know my work helped many, many people because they’ve told me so,”

only because those black guys are there for their entertainment. He probably thinks that if he buys tickets he can tell them “I pay your salaries.”

A republican caring about something involving two black men is pretty remarkable though. 

She paid $233 WITH INSURANCE? I’m flabberghasted at how utterly FUCKED the system is at perceiving who is committing which crimes in this story!

I don’t think you could have a prouder moment than turning yourself in because you fraudulently obtained some medicine for a poor and sick child.

IDK about generic, but third person Destiny is exactly what I asked for. Add Iron Man power suits to that and the game will have to be pretty bad for me to not give it a go. Hopefully there’s an open beta.

MAGA version of a kid’s toy.

Hey it worked for Stephen miller so why wouldn’t it.....oh, that’s why

I’m a girl, so all my life I have been told that my clothing sends messages to other people. If I wear a skirt that is a little too short or a shirt that shows a little too much cleavage, I am apparently communicating that I consent to being groped or worse.

On a very minor side note, they’ve ruined red baseball caps. I looked good in my red baseball cap; now it just sits there, wondering what it’s done wrong and why we never hang out anymore.

They know exactly what it means, and they attempt to gaslight everyone (because they are stupid enough to think it works).

sadly your last point is not correct at all. There will be many well paying jobs waiting for him. Connections >> everytihng else in this country. 

“We’re a Catholic school, and it’s not tolerated. They don’t tolerate racism, and none of my classmates are racist people.

He will be. His lot are the minority in this country and the rest of us have long memories. Hope his trust fund is a big one. Most employers won’t touch a walking liability. 

Like so many bills that were stalled by the Republican Senate, this is long overdue.

Now, let’s get cracking on removing the statute of limitations for rape and REALLY stick it to Cardinal Dolan.

Fuck everything. This kid will literally get fucking FAME out of being a complete shit. Sometimes I just want to give up. Christ.